January - April 1999
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Frameworks Archive January - April 1999 by subject
Starting: Sun 14 Feb 1999 - 14:13:06 PST
Ending: Thu 18 Mar 1999 - 17:32:29 PST
Messages: 1100
- "art product"
- "Buried Treasures"
- "Switch"/ARTE
- "Wings of Desire" takes flight once more in Boston 1/29-30
- ***Ideas and let's make a buck
- ***Ideas and Trust
- ***Ideas and Trust (& FW Collaborations)
- **2 Modest Proposals
- *Promissory Note--My Fading Memory: A Series of Critical
- *pulldown
- *pulldown explained
- *pulldown RE Re Re Re Re ReRE
- 10 I liked
- 16mm films for sale
- 1973 avant-garde film doco
- 2e Journees Cine Qua Non/Paris
- 3/4 and 1/2
- 8mm, 16mm & 35mm Processing Tanks
- 99 cameras and 1
- ???
- [Avant Garde
- [Fwd: for sale:film camera package, stock, slide projectors]
- [Fwd: save the date for hot and wild part two: WILD AND INSANE]
- [Super 8 Sound System for Sale]
- A different viewpoint re Vision stocks
- A few questions....
- A more intelligible version etc (Joan of Arc)
- A more intelligible version of contentions and corrections
- A sixpack and a Muehl in England
- a) doggeral b) experimental
- about james herbert
- aesthetic judgements/Gidal
- AIDS Activist Videotapes
- Akerman film
- Alexeieff Lithographs For Sale
- Alice Guy-Blache
- Amie Siegel
- Anders Bibliography
- animation armatures
- Anne Robertson
- Anyone know Boston ?
- apology
- apology/Mudie reflects
- arri BL help needed
- Artists' Theater Workshop -- Oakland, CA
- ARtracts
- Assistance Please
- Avant Garde/OOOPST!
- avant gardening
- avant gardening - a more long winded and ever more pointless
- avant gardening - last gasp
- avant gardening - long of wind and out of breath
- avant gardening - long winded and ultimately pointless reply
- avant gardening - more wind than breath
- avant gardening - not pointless
- avant gardening - still gasping, just
- Avant-garde, Experimental, This List, and its Unsubscribers
- Avid OMF Guidelines
- AW: AW: Image
- AW: AW:Image
- AW: Image
- AW:Image
- B&W and design
- B&W yesterday & today
- B. Ruby Rich
- B. Ruby Rich (and beyond)
- B. Ruby Rich/no book
- baltimore film show
- Be Ruby Ridge (Rich)
- benefit for koh yamamoto
- Best of 1998
- Best of 1998 -- et tu?
- Blindsided
- Book
- books
- Boredom
- boredom / audience / practice
- Boredom expounded upon
- Boredom, Ennui, Melancholia
- Boredom/Ego
- Boring Agexperimunderground films
- Brakhage in Minneapolis
- Brakhage in Utah
- Brakhage in Utah , or whither winter AG
- Brakhage Screenings
- Brakhage show in Utah
- Broken rules of engagement
- buy this book
- C. Marker "Immemory" CD-ROM
- calculated
- Calculated Cinema
- Call for Entries
- Call For Entries 1999 Chicago Underground Film Festival
- Call for work
- Chambless Cine-Super-8 Sound Film
- Changing e-mail addresses
- cheap UK Kodachrome S8 source?
- Chicago Filmmakers Spring schedule
- Chick Flicks
- Chorus
- Cinematheque Winter 1999 calendar
- clarification on digital transmission?
- Cocksucker Blues
- Cocksucker Blues & The Day the Clown Cried
- coming not so soon to your local Bijou by train
- coming soon to your local Bijou
- cornell and sontag
- cornell/gibson
- Corporate New Media
- Curtis (fwd)
- Curtis/Markopoulos/Matusow
- Dada
- Daisies Distributor + Yoko Ono's Fly
- David Curtis
- David Curtis/Markopoulos 1968
- Dear Emagicians
- Detour
- digital projection is still a problem
- e(b) LI s A be th(e)
- e-magik update
- e-magik update 2
- Easy rider
- Eat Carpet out of Melbourne?
- Edited in the recorder sound
- Edited in the recorder sound - addend
- EIGA ARTS February Programme
- EIGA ARTS January Programme/Call for submissions/etc....
- EIGA ARTS January review
- EIGA ARTS MArch Programme (fairly short-for a change...)
- EIGA ARTS: As seen on TV!!!!
- Emaigik Report
- engaging with dickheads
- Ernie Gehr at AMMI
- etiquettes and reversal
- Euro Underground, anyone ?
- Exp. Animated films
- experimental highlights of the NY Underground Film Festival
- Experimental or Avant Garde
- Experimental or Avante Garde
- Experimental/Avante-Garde/Passionate Cinema
- exploding plastic clarification
- February EIGA ARTS review (long)
- festival fees/showcases
- Feuillade & Surrealists
- File: "FRAMEWORKS LOG9901"
- File: "FRAMEWORKS LOG9903"
- Film Financing/Artist Survival/Jobs
- film loops
- film on tv
- Film to video back to film
- Film to video back to film -Reply
- film to video transfer equipment
- film transfer equipment
- film-video-sync question
- filmcore fund winners announced
- Filmmakers Take Over IV
- films confirmed for Tom Chomont Cineprobe
- finding an audience
- flame war boyz
- Fly Paper
- For fiddlers and tinkerers
- for post
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 6 Jan 1999 to 7 Jan 1999 - Special issue
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 8 Feb 1999 to 10 Feb 1999 - Special
- FrameWorks list, march 1999
- FRAMEWORKS Superbowl
- FRAMEWORKS Superbowl/bowled o'er
- Franciszka Themerson
- Frank Stuaffachers film Zig Zag
- Freaudian Quips
- Free Equipment for a non-profit or school
- Freudian slip?
- FW Collaboration
- FW Collaboration / e-magik
- Fw: Altman's "Three Women"
- Fwd: THe six deAdlY Sinze
- Fwd: Jay Rosenblatt Retrospective
- Fwd: Shake
- Got a better idea?
- great flaming paranoia
- Healthy human sense
- help with S8 gear
- hey i get it ,it's a Experimental Film Disscussion List
- History of London Coop
- home movies/amateur film preservation efforts
- hope to become an amateur
- How does one get hold of archival TV news footage?
- Hunt brothers & cornering the silver market
- Ideas and Trust
- Image
- Image, memory, unique vs. continuous moments
- in his own country
- indian film makers
- Infinite Jest
- interesting film in L.A.?
- Intervalometer
- Jack Smith Film Released
- Jan. 29, 1999 Chicago Filmmaker's Program
- Japanese experimental films available to Programmers
- JJ, go away
- Johanna Pheifer
- John Jacobs/Claes Oldenburg
- Jon Jost tape
- joseph cornell
- joseph cornell's films?
- Jost's anality again
- Jost's anality again & Zedd (shall we get back to him?)
- jost/spence mutual ass kissing brigade
- kinds of boredom
- kinds of boredom/Gidal/Snow/Warhol/et al
- kiss my delete
- Kubrick
- Kubrick obit
- L.A.
- Last Minute What's Happening NOW Listing
- LastMinuteSCreening: Dean Snider's Birthday
- Lawsuit
- Little Stabs at Happiness
- London Film-makers' Co-op and London Electronic Arts Merger
- looking for martha
- Looking for Richard Herskowitz
- Looking for Super 8 Sound Film
- loop film
- LoopLoopLoopLoopLoopLoop
- loops
- loops - Le Grice, et al
- loopy
- Luther Price screenings in New York
- M.M. Serra- apt for next week?
- M.O.S.
- M.O.S. and avant-garde
- M.O.S./The Kingdom/Film to video back to film
- make AIVF work for you!
- Making a Living
- Manifesto 95
- manifesto, redux
- Maria Koleva's hunger strike
- Maria Koleva's hunger strike--contentions and corrections
- Maurer 16mm camera?
- Maya Deren Texts
- McLuhan
- Melbourne Super 8 Film Group
- Michelle Citron talk in NYC Fri 2/5
- Microphone recommendations
- MOMA (ny) name/s?
- MoMA film schedule (includes Big As Life!)
- more books
- more books (*, **, or ***, depending how you like it)
- more books and video
- more food & film: Oakland, Ca.
- more twain twack films/Sherwin, Welsby and Raban
- Morse Developer
- Motion Dive VJ software
- Movement-thinking
- mr curtis
- mr curtis/it is so
- Mr Curtis/lost Anger film
- Murray
- My Own Private FrameWorks Rules
- N(ota) B(ene): C
- Nam June Paik
- New German Cinema:Films from the Staedelschule
- new kodak stocks: 7289, 7383, 7393
- news flash from japan
- News From Home
- NICK ZEDD - Theory of Xenomorphosis
- now that everyone's sick of boredom, a query
- now that everyone's sick of boredom...
- NY filmmaker's coop catalogue
- Objects are reified, concretized ideas
- Office Space Available
- Old film
- op-signs are all well and good but..
- optical printing recomendations
- OT apology FAF, sstark soe
- OT maybe
- Other Minds Festival 25-27 March San Francisco (fwd)
- Our Senses/The Importance of Soup & Cinema
- panushka experimental animation history
- pardon my ignorance
- pardon my ignorance - PBS
- Paris Shows
- Passion in Filmmaking-Report of Soup & Cinema
- PBS/pardon my ignorance
- PC alert
- personal mail-oops
- Phase/Video/Film
- PHIL 101: Intro to Critical Thinking
- Philadelphia Lab?
- Pinboard Animation
- pinscreen
- please disregard request to sign up - I already am ...
- please sign me up to Frameworks
- Politically incorect film to video question
- Pont or mo
- Previews/Reviews/Interviews
- Primative, Pinscreens and Mosh Pits
- Processing Error
- programme cinema NOVA Bruxel
- programming venues in NYC
- Projectors
- Questions!
- Questions! Answers!
- re Boredom, Warhol & Empire
- re early exhibition of Warhol films
- re The Pin Board
- Re. *my changed email address
- Re. Heuristic Language
- RE. narrative
- Re. transmogrifilmation
- Recommend films w/unconventional us of sound
- Recommend films w/unconventional use of sound
- recommended texts, Empire
- Regular 8mm prints
- Reloadable S-8 cassettes
- Reverse comments on negative [was: B&W and design]
- Reverse/Negative: a comment..
- robert beck memorial cinema at the NY Underground Film Festival
- Robert Beck Memorial Cinema March 1999
- Robert Bresson
- Rock Hudson's Home Movies
- Ruby & the Collective
- rules of engagement
- San Francisco Bay Guardian End of the Year Review 1998
- sardonic
- Scratch-film, Boredom, Grant Money, Greetings
- screenings/fests/pop bomb
- seances & optical devices
- Self-correction
- serching...
- Seventeen Screening
- Shake the Nation
- Shakespeare in Love
- shooting off the wall
- shooting off the wall.
- Show
- slave
- Sleep/sixpack on the couch in Paris
- Sony advert on frameworks
- sorry
- sorry! one more thing....EIGA ARTS....
- Soup & Cinema-Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Stark's JJ, go away
- Stark's, JJ go away, etc.
- Steenbeck Search
- Stinky Swamplands
- streamlined Spence
- streamlined Spence/lost a bit o' weight too!
- Subject headings
- Subway installation
- Super 8 Editing Equipment
- super 8 process
- Super 8 sound
- super 8 sound + what ar your dreams stocks?
- Super 8 Sound, Burbank
- Super BoD reps
- Taiwan
- Taxes and Filmmaking
- That time
- the Artists' Organisation formally known as...
- the B. Ruby Rich matter and Jim's flame war
- The Day the Cocksucker Cried
- The Day the Genius Egoist Yelled
- The Definitive Definition?
- The Great Authority
- The New Nothing
- The other Brakhage show in Utah
- The other Brakhage show in Utah, & language
- The Player
- The Robert Beck Memorial Cinema -- February 1999
- The spittle flys
- the windy city
- the windy city: Boston is actually windier
- Themersons
- They drop film, don't they?
- this is tired
- This Week (01-03-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (01-10-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (01-17-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (01-24-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (01-31-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (02-07-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (02-14-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (02-21-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- This Week (03-07-99) in Avant Garde Cinema
- Through the Lens Call for Entries
- Tom Chomont Cineprobe Feb 1
- trains
- Turd message
- US Super 8 Film Fest/ entry fee$
- US Super 8 Film Festival
- US Taxes and Filmmaking
- VENT! the online magazine for disgruntled filmmakers
- Vertov seems to be first
- VHS Autoplay
- victoria b.c.
- video/digital vs film old vs new
- virus alert and what to do abt it.
- virus alert-- the jesus thing
- Visible Evidence Conference
- Voyage to Italy
- Western Civilization
- what's with the money?
- Where can I get Elmo repairs?
- Wired Angel
- wise words
- wise words of Steven Ball
- Women Directors Film Fest in Denver
- Word "s"
- Xenomorphosis/Suspended disbelief
- xxxsorry
- Yoko Ono
- Yoko Ono's Fly
Last message date: Thu 18 Mar 1999 - 17:32:29 PST
Archived on: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 17:37:28 PST
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