Frameworks Archive January - April 2005
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Starting: Mon Jan 03 2005 - 09:42:41 PST
Ending: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 19:42:04 PDT
- "Experimental documentary"
- "Land of My Birth"
- "Maya"
- (no subject)
- 100' 35mm daylight spools for eyemo
- 12th Chicago Underground Film Festival EARLY DEADLINE APPROACHING
- 16mm camera
- 16mm developing tank
- 16mm post sound striping
- 16mm projector
- 16mm projectors
- 16mm projectors and service
- 16mm rawstock
- 16mm subtitles
- 200' 16mm daylight spools
- 24th Annual Women Direct Series at Ithaca College: Reverse Engineering
- 2K-D5 projection
- 3 new Quick Times
- 35mm and a silent speed
- ??? questions about scratched prints
- [allplanets-hollow] Admiral Byrd's Radioman
- [AMIA-L] new 16mm projectors?
- [deathinjune] Wicker Man Remake
- [filmprogrammers] YES by Sally Potter
- [Fwd: [eyecandy] FILM, ANIMATION, VJING.... [4X4]!]
- [Fwd: [VTNT] OT: Old Kodachrome II 8 mm film for
- [Fwd: [VTNT] OT: Old Kodachrome II 8 mm film for developing...]
- [San Francisco Event 4/21] The Inscribed Gesture in Poetry and Film
- academy awards
- Advice on lens
- African American directors
- African American films
- african-american
- African-American experimental films/1960s
- Alex MacKenzie's Parallax
- Alexander Kluge
- Amateur Fiction Film symposium, Northeast Historic Film
- American Magus by
- analog tape news
- analog/digital
- analytic projectors
- Andy Warhol Occult Luminary of the Holy Grail
- Anger - Bill Landis' biography
- Announcing Directors Lounge 10-20 Febr. Berlin
- another great one leaves us
- art & post-9/11
- Art House
- artfilmperformance - synthetic zero event TOMORROW, sat 7pm-10pm
- Artists' Intentions / Generations / what-not
- ArtWallah
- audio fcp question
- audio in FCP question
- Avant Garde films duration
- back when i was a kid
- back when i was a kid in ?
- back when i was a kid in Delaware
- back when i was a kid in NY
- back when i was a kid in Pennsylvania
- Beaulieu
- beaulieu/scratch
- Bill Meyers contact
- black and whites
- blank DVDs
- Blur+Sharpen @ USC Tuesday, March 22
- Blur+Sharpen Screening April 12, Los Angeles
- bolex 18-5L projector repair question
- Bolex vendors ?
- book on filmmaking for the web
- Brakhage and Poetry.
- Brakhage announcement
- Brakhage Essay.
- Brakhage films in "standard" duration
- Brakhage Record Album?
- Brakhage Research Question
- Brakhage shows at Cal Arts
- Brakhage Symposium Announcement
- Brakhage's long films
- Brakhage, my fine care
- Brakhage, my fine care - forward from Don Yannacito
- Brakhage/ Jacket
- Brakhage/The Riddle of Lumen
- brecht/berliner ensemble on film
- Bruce Conner Films
- building film loops with projector attachments
- call for entries
- call for entries (again)
- Call For Entries - 12th Chicago Underground Film Festival
- Call for Entries - ONION CITY festival - deadline extended to April 29!
- Call for Entries - The 17th Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival
- Call for Entries -- Antimatter Festival 2005
- call for entries: Standing Reserve (part II)
- Call for Entries: The International Experimental Cinema Exposition 2005
- Call For Filmmakers: February and March Events
- Call for Submissions: Lower West Side Film Festival
- call for works
- Call for Works - Independent Exposure 2005
- Calling Fred Camper
- Calling Fred Camper (Additional)
- calling Jerry Tartaglia
- Canon 814XL-S Manual
- Cat People print
- celebrity, contemporary art and robbery
- Chemistry?
- Childbirth Films
- Childbirth Films?
- Christmas on Earth
- Christopher Maclaine and Arthur Lipsett
- Cinema Electronica Quarterly no. 1 -- "Lost & Found"
- Cinematexas Roadshow at Ocularis
- Cinematheque Mailing List Correction
- Cleaning Projectors
- Clouin
- Collaboration
- Congratulations
- Conner/Clarke/Kern in Europe?
- contact for Carolee Schneemann
- contact for Jonas Mekas
- contact info for NAOMI UMAN
- contemporary french experimental films...
- contemporary french experimental films/videos
- Conversion
- Conversion /In defense of labs
- Copyright Office announces Orphan Film study
- CP
- curating one's own work
- CVM-MOCA Visual Music screening Mar. 24
- Dallas video festival cfe
- David Wojnarowicz films and videos
- Daylight spool and E6
- daylight spools
- Dazzling Found-Footage Experimental Film Premieres in New York at Canadian Front
- DC Underground Film Festival Call for Entries
- death films 1960s/70s
- death in june
- Demographics
- Demographics calling Fred Camper, or Your Own Private Christo
- digital still cameras
- Director's Lounge report
- double-perf b/w print stock
- DVD authoring
- DVD Authoring, DVD-R Compatability and 16mm transfer
- DVD authoring: digital videotape formats explained
- DVD-R for exhibition, not
- DVDs
- DVDs on commercial flights
- East Village USA Film Festival
- Eclipse
- editing book
- Electronics Repair
- email address for jennet thomas
- enthusiasm
- EP Scheduling
- Ernie Gehr withdraws his films from the Filmmakers' Coop
- Erotic festival
- errata
- Essential Brakhage.
- even more OT: support
- Experimenta 2005
- Experimental DVDs!!!
- Experimental Film edition of Synoptique
- Experimental film on wikipedia
- Experimental Film Screenings-Upcoming
- Experimental Film THIS WEDS 6pm-10pm and SAT 7pm-10pm
- Experimenting with frame rate
- Eye + Ear Controlled
- eyedrum
- Fair Use
- Festival Policies
- film auction on ebay
- film culture magazine publication dates
- film in refrigerator
- Film in the Fridge
- Film in the refrigerator
- Film in which there appears.... redux
- film lab at a school
- film lab cheats
- film labs
- film labs and more film labs
- film loopers
- Film-Philosophy: Special Issue on Wurzer
- film/text
- film/text (video?)
- Filmaker Websites
- Filming in NYC post 9/11
- Filmmaker Websites
- filmmaking for the web
- Films at USC next week.
- Films by Peter Kubelka's students
- films on the web
- films on Ubuweb
- films using text
- films using text_ Mekas
- Films using text_ Peter Greenaway
- Films using text_ Zorns Lemma
- films with blowing leaves/branches/trees
- films with blowing leaves/branches/trees = intrinsic saccadic placidity
- films with blowing leaves/branches/trees"
- Films with Branches, leaves, etc
- Flaherty Seminar Registration Deadline Approaching
- fluxfilms
- FMC recording
- For Filmmakers/Exhibitors/Distributors in Ontario
- for once I see a show done right
- Found footage.
- Four Films by Bruce Conner
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 10 Jan 2005 - Special issue (#2005-12)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 14 Jan 2005 to 15 Jan 2005 - Special issue (#2005-18)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 19 Apr 2005 - Special issue (#2005-205)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 2 Apr 2005 - Special issue (#2005-168)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 26 Feb 2005 to 27 Feb 2005 (#2005-98)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 27 Apr 2005 - Special issue (#2005-227)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 31 Mar 2005 - Special issue (#2005-162)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 5 Apr 2005 to 6 Apr 2005 - Special issue (#2005-175)
- Free Mag Dubber in NYC
- free moviola
- Free, slightly wonky 16mm for pickup in New York
- Friendly 16mm projectors?
- FS - Steenbeck 928
- FS - Steenbeck 928 (2)
- FS list misc
- Fwd: [allplanets-hollow] Admiral Byrd's Radioman
- Fwd: [AMIA-L] new magnetic tape coming soon from Europe
- Fwd: [cml-post] 16mm editing
- Fwd: [deathinjune] Wicker Man Remake
- Fwd: Brakhage, my fine care - forward from Don Yannacito
- Fwd: Capri Fundraiser???
- Fwd: FRAMEWORKS/A LINE OF SIGHT: American Avant-Garde Film since 1965
- Fwd: Giant Steps Animation
- Fwd: new cabinet CD/DVD series - call for submissions
- getting work shown outside of NYC
- Ghost Films of Stan Brakhage Friday in SF
- Gmail accounts?
- Good Sites to buy DVD
- got it.
- hand painting on frame
- hand painting on frameworks archive
- Hand-painted Films
- happy birthday
- Happy Birthday Stan!
- Harry Smith American MAgus documentary
- hd question
- hd question REDUX
- Hello everyone
- Help? : NYC Office/Creative Space Needed for Documentary Film Project
- HGTV Series: Small Space, Big Style
- How George Lucas was influenced by Bruce Baillie...
- Hull Film Co-ordinator
- Hungry Microcinemas
- Ideas for color reversal stocks
- if in soflo this week...
- Iimura query
- Iimura White Calligraphy
- Iimurra query
- Images Festival 2005
- Index (was: Sixpack DVDs)
- Island Art Film and Video Festival 05 <videoDictionary in London. Tomorrow Wednesday at 8.00 pm>
- It Could Happen To You
- It Could Happen To You
- Jack Smith Show- March 10-14th, by Mary Jordan
- Japanese experimental film venues
- Jem Cohen in Chicago this Friday
- JK head
- JK's- or ye olde modernist, hanging by a thread...
- Jonas Mekas and Julius Ziz TONIGHT at Ocularis
- Jonas Mekas/Julius Ziz Screening at Ocularis on Sunday (April 10)
- Jozef Robakowski
- Judex by Franju
- jx @ anthology sat apr 2
- KEM flatbed
- KEM flatbed question
- KEM flatbed question (2)
- KEM flatbed question (3)
- Kluge
- kluge DVD
- Kodak 5218 / Vision 2 / Biju Viswanath
- kodak pageant 250s bulb question
- Kodak's quarterly report
- Kubrick/ Marx Brothers
- Kubrick/marx Bros.
- Kubrick/marx Bros. (The Nutty Horror ?)
- Kubrick/Marx Brothers
- L'Eclisse
- Ladyfest Olympia seeking contact info for Sadie Benning
- Last Chance: Submit to Lower West Side Film Festival
- leader questions
- Lee Krist
- lens on eBay
- Lense on XL2
- Libération - L'argentique fait le malheur de l'emploi chez Kodak France
- Light and Substance - film installation
- LightSwitch May 7
- LONDON FILM FESTIVAL 2005, Call for Entries
- Looking for Jason Stahl
- looking for JK head
- Looking for Lenses
- Looking for print of Calma by Paul Kim
- Looking for the following filmmakers
- Lost Filmmakers
- Lower West Side FF shows experimental film beginning FRI!
- Lynne Sachs DVD available now!
- Maas/Boultenhouse at Ocularis
- MadCat at Anthology Film Archives this Sunday
- Magnetic tape
- Magnetic tape (16mm mag)
- Mail Delivery (failure (address suppressed))
- manhattan short film festival?!
- Mark Lapore
- Matsumoto - Funeral Parade
- Max/MSP & Jitter
- Me and You and Everyone We Know
- mea culpa
- Memory Document
- Microcinema Experts Wanted in Chicago
- Microcinema Int'l to Receive "Service to the Field" Award
- Microcinemas listings
- milla TV
- mirrors
- MoCC 2005 Grants
- More some more
- Mr. Tompkins Inside Himself / Brakhage
- MTE and MTM
- mtv
- My Eyes....My Eyes
- Naive programming questions
- Naomi's contact info - got it - thank you!
- National Restigry
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- New Book on Mary Hallock-Greenewalt
- new film/venue/funding questions
- new old gardes
- New Screening Room DVD - Robert Breer
- new thread on aesthetics and popular art
- New York Underground Film Festival is coming
- Nikon-c mount adaptor payment
- ntsc to pal
- NTSC to PAL via software
- NYC 4/13/05 - Information on a show happening tonight.
- NYC Job Opportunity: 35mm projectionists
- NYC Job Opportunity: 35mm projectionists, movie theater counter staff
- NYC Job Opportunity: 35mm projectionists,movie theater counter staff
- NYC Screening of Frank Biesendorfer's Films
- Oakland Airport Call for Entries for New Media Wall
- OFFERED - UNIVERSAL KEM EDITING TABLE - New York/New Jersey and surrounding Area
- on festivals
- Onion City festival - Call for Entries and New Dates!
- Onion City Festival Entry Deadline in Two Weeks!
- ontological blitzkrieg vs saccadic placidity
- Open Zone Call for Submissions
- optical track for reversal
- Optical tracks
- Oral History.
- OT
- OT: gmail
- other glimpses on the web
- Our Friend, EBay
- OUT/EX premiere
- P. Adams Sitney event, Saturday March 5, Los Angeles
- PAL Beta Deck Rental
- Part 1 of 2: This week [March 13 - 20, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 1 of 3: This week [March 6 - 13, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 2 of 2: This week [April 10 - 17, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 2 of 2: This week [March 13 - 20, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 2 of 3: This week [March 6 - 13, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 3 of 3: This week [March 6 - 13, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Paul Chan
- Paul Sharits
- pdx fest absolute final deadline for entries!!!
- pdx fest schedule posted + other news
- PDX FILM FEST: her we go again!
- peer to peer distribution & ... Syberberg
- peer to peer networks
- peer to peer networks and guerrilla distro-ing
- peer-to-peer distribution
- peer-to-peer distribution & Syberberg
- Peter Adair
- Peter Kubelka's U.S. Tour
- Pioneers...
- Pittsburgh Show
- Pittsburgh Travel Sheet
- Pittsburgh Travel Sheet & Microcinema list
- Please forward Call for entries 2nd NO BUDGET (Ohne Kohle) VideoFilmfestival Vienna
- Please unsubscribe
- poetry & film
- Poetry and Film
- Poetry and Film ("Sayat Nova")
- Polar/experimental show
- Portland Documentary & eXperimental Film Festival (report #1)
- Portland Documentary & eXperimental Film Festival (report #2)
- Position Announcement
- possible introductions to Avant-Garde/Experimental Film
- possible OT: support
- possible OT: support NOW choices
- poster sale on ebay
- Posting Instruction Please
- Potter-Belmar Labs Spring Tour!
- Potter-Belmar Labs/A2FilmFest
- Presenting Alfred Hitchcock: Cut!
- Prints from Canyon
- private life of a cat
- Processing Delays--should I be worried?
- Producers for Documentary Film
- Projector testing, need advice!
- psychedelic filmmaker
- psychedelic filmmaker (piero heliczer0
- Publication News from San Francisco Cinematheque
- Query: expanded film events in NYC area
- question
- question for the AfterEffects junkies and installation folks....
- questions
- realanime_225
- Reminder Call for Artists: The International Funtup Film & Art Festival
- Renting from Canyon
- Richard Dindo
- Richard Serra film ... maybe?
- Rick Prelinger in the NY Times
- Rippin DVDs
- Rippin DVDs Cont.
- rippin dvs
- Robert Frank's Paper Route
- Roberta Beck Memorial Cinema presents Let's Play Fascination AGAIN
- rochester, ny microcinemas
- ROTTERDAM REVERENCE: The Films of Owen Land (formerly known as George Landow)
- “Trouble” screening + Closing Reception for “Industr y @Cinematheque quebecoise, Montreal Industry” @Cinematheque quebecoise, Montreal (Jan 23)
- RUBICON at Anthology
- Rural Microcinemas
- Ruth Peyser contact?
- S-8 to mdv transfers
- Sadie Benning's Flat is Beautiful at Ocularis (February 27)
- San Francisco Cinematheque, Feb/Mar 2005
- San Francisco Cinematheque: A New Season
- Sandra Kogut at Beyond Baroque on Saturday, March 26th (Venice, California)
- Save the Harding Theater
- scott macdonald
- Screeners
- seeking additional advice on projector service
- seeking Jerry Tartaglia
- seeking the filmmaker behind the video "W." (it's about Bush)
- SF benefit for Kerry Laitala, Friday 3/4
- SF Event - Seen Missing: 2 New Films by Abigail Child
- SF Event [March 3d]: 2 New films by Nathaniel Dorsky
- SF Event: Rare Flicks by The Cockettes & Jack Smith
- SFAI Film & Video Festival's Opening Night Party and Screening
- Shirin Neshat videowork
- Shooting Color - Printing Black and White
- Show of Lower East Side Projections
- silent projectors
- silent speed projectors
- silent/analytic projectors
- slang words for motion picture cameras
- software switcher
- Some more
- Sony Portapak
- sorry
- Sound + Vision
- Sound + Vision / ny eye and ear control
- Standby Program News
- Standby Program offers Lab Services in NYC
- State of the Art 16mm Loop Devices
- Steenbeck
- Steenbeck advice
- Steenbeck for sale NYC
- Steenbeck on Craigslist NYC
- Suan Pitt
- Subject: film auction on ebay
- Suggestions for a cinephile's visit to Paris...?
- Super 8 in the digital age
- Super 8 in the digital age (was Kodak's quarterly report)
- super 8 transfers
- super-8 in DC
- super8 transfers
- support for artists
- supporting yourself
- supporting yourself)
- SV: YES by Sally Potter
- syberberg
- syberberg ....Grab it while ya can
- Synoptique 8 - Experimental Cinmea
- Tape concern
- Tape concern of a different type.
- Teaching Art Could Happen To You
- Telecine film speed?
- Text of Berlin Horse
- Text of Light
- Text of Light (sorry)
- Text of Light - music, soundtrack, silence etc.. - berlin horse
- Text of Light / sound and vision
- Text of Light / sound and vision - Pere Ubu
- Text of Light and no sound
- Text of Light question
- Text of Light)
- Text of Zorns Lemma?
- text)
- THE BLUE TAPE distributor?
- the collage of Jerry Jofen
- the collages
- The Films of Carmelo Bene
- The Grand Canyon Expanded Cinema Show - April 8th
- The Loop Collective presents ELEMENTAL PROCESSES : Featuring Installations by Chris Welsby, Michael Snow and Alex Geddie.
- The New York Video Festival.
- THE PHATORY OUTLET Presents PAN-POT: March 14-15
- The Sound and Land Explosionists TONIGHT
- theft and anonymity
- theft and mediocrity
- This week [April 10 - 17, 2005] in avant garde cinema (1 of 2)
- This week [April 10 - 17, 2005] in avant garde cinema (2 of 2)
- This week [April 17 - 24, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [April 24 - May 1, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [February 12 - 20, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [February 20 - 27, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [February 27 - March 6, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [February 6 - 13, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [January 16 - 23, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [January 23 - 30, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [January 30 - February 6, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [March 20 - 27, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [March 27 - April 3, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Three Tales -- Steve Reich and Beryl Korot
- Three Tales -- Steve Reich and Beryl Korot and William Gibson documentary
- time-flow intervalometer
- Timeflow Intervalometer
- top 25
- top 25 / getting to see work
- top 25 and Viola
- top 25 and Viola/brakhage/hetfield
- tri-x super8
- Tribute to Ron Tibbett
- UK: Bristol + Liverpool screenings of "Elusive Quality" & "Let's Get Tested"
- Universal Experience
- Unseen Cinema
- upcoming SF screening
- Venues & Contacts for AG/Expanded Cinema in Olympia WA area
- video installation event, austin
- Views from the Avant Garde 2005
- Virtual Garment Center.
- Visual Music Exhibit
- VJ Equipment
- Voice Mail
- WANTED: broken camera
- watch the milla/maya deren video
- What I'm Looking For entry question
- what is this film, extreme close-ups
- White Calligraphy
- WIDC Annual Tour
- Wide Angle Lens for Canon 814 XL-S
- Wikipedia
- Wiseman Apoplexy
- Women In the Director's Chair Film Festival begins this week!
- WWMB: was Brakhage, my fine care
- Ye Olde Technology
- YES by Sally Potter
- zeno's purge
- Zizek, a documentary (thursday 4.14, emory u.)
- Zorn's Lemma Print
- Zorn's Lemma: correction to the title
Last message date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 19:42:04 PDT
Archived on: Sun May 01 2005 - 01:01:09 PDT
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