Frameworks Archive September - December 2005
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Starting: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 07:07:22 PDT
Ending: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 10:31:10 PST
- "1,000 Filmmakers"
- "1,000 Filmmakers" / Montreal from 6th to 12th
- "999 Filmmakers"!
- "a critique ..."
- "a critique that is indistinguishable..."
- "a critique that is indistinguishable..." teder w/ out the toder"
- "a critique..."
- "a critique..." + ken jacobs
- "Killer Woman Blues"
- "overlearning"
- "overlearning" (for Douglas)
- "Projection Instructions"
- "Pure Data Audio" programmer needed
- (1968) a symposium call
- (no subject)
- (was Dada)
- /d/ada
- 16 in Tokyo
- 16mm optical sound: where now????
- 16mm optical sound: where now???? (3)
- 16mm or 35mm venues?
- 16mm org. flooded footage (Katrina)
- 16mm to mini-dv (audio question)
- 1968 symposium - a call
- 2005 Official Program: TIE, The International Experimental Cinema Exposition
- 24th Pordenone plays UNSEEN CINEMA
- 3 texts, essential cinema & women and etc ...
- 3 texts, essential cinema & women and etc ... Barbara Rubin
- 7242 short end?
- 8mm film projectors
- 8mm film projectors-supplies
- 8MM technicolor LOOP PROJECTORS sale or swap..
- [Chicago] Jeffrey Skoller & Dan Eisenberg @ Conversations at the Edge!
- a great post ...
- a practical question
- acedemic (sic), formal and empty
- acedemic (sic), formal and empty, Form is Emptiness
- additonal avant garde happening-- Trib to Amos Vogel
- Advice where I can transfer Pal DVD into NTSC dvd
- AFA Video Texts: 1983 (work in progress)
- Age Restrictions for Festivals?
- aka: Lynn Kennedy
- Allen Ross' THE GRANDFATHER TRILOGY screening at the Views from the Avant-Garde
- Amazon Email
- An Announcement: "The Subversive Nub"
- Animated Docs at PFA
- Announcement: Award Winners 12th Chicago Underground Film Festival
- Announcing ZIZEK movie night
- another DVD short film quarterly type thing
- another view on copyright
- Another Worldy
- antagonistic filmmaker's list?
- antipathy, quality and hierarchy
- antipathy, quality and hierarchy -- Primitivism
- antipathy, quality, and hierarchy
- Anyone sell Super Simplex parts still?
- apocrifellllll
- Apology
- art doesn't pay...
- artfilmperformance - TOMORROW - synthetic zero events - SAT oct 8
- artist's intentions
- At the Harvard Film Archive: The Archival Imagination: Found Footage in Experimental Film
- Attack at Egyptian!
- Aurora's Ebay Auction Has Started!
- Austin folks?
- Available Light series #2 - Atlanta, October 12
- avant-garde film blogs
- Avant-garde?
- B&H 16MM PROJECTOR 2590 for SALE (Windsor On., Canada)
- back online
- Barney and Peter Greenaway
- base scratch repair
- BBC Creative License
- BBC Open News Archives
- Bearded Child tonight in SF
- Beat Short Films
- Ben van Meter
- Ben van Meter attn: Scott MacD
- beta decks -pal & ntsc
- beta sp pal/ntsc playback deck?
- Biermann / Kels
- birdwhistell print source...
- birdwhistell print source... too
- Birth Of A Nation
- Bleecker Theatre Footage
- Blood and Guts in High School
- Blur+Sharpen Call for Works
- Bob Dylan PBS
- Bolex EBM package for sale/trade
- Bolex lens port dust caps
- Book Release & film series
- brakhage/academy
- British Artists' Film & Video Study Collection
- brklyn aprtmnt screening invitation
- Bruce McClure in Portland
- C-41 kit - 16mm stocks?
- CALL FOR ENTRIES : 2006 PDX Film Festival
- Call for Entries: Directors Lounge
- Call for Submissions: Super-8 Late
- Call for Submissions: Super-8 Late PRINTS?
- call for work: Expanded Cinema for the Digital Age
- Call for work: RESOLUTIONS 06
- Canadian Experimental on DVD
- Canyon added to filmmaker's list
- Canyon Cinema Screening of Will Hindle Films
- Canyon/NYCoop/CFMDC Catalogues Online and Searchable
- Captured: A Film/Video History of the Lower East Side
- Carmelo Bene
- Cartridge projectors
- Casting Call - Saskatchewan Production (forward)
- Catskills
- Center for Social Media: Statement on Fair Use
- cf papers/films/videos
- CFMDC & Film-maker's List
- CFP: Graduate Student Conference: Early Cinema and Historiography
- Chants and Dances (was red & yellow)
- Checking In on Boxcar
- chris burden
- Ciao Manhattan
- Cinecycle- Toronto?
- Cinema Project Fall Season Begins!
- Clarity
- Clarity in your messages
- Clarity p.s.
- cleaning a cat's ears
- Cleaning a cat's ears.
- Cleaning old 8mm film
- Cleaning old tapes
- Collected Frameworks?
- comic book inspired/influence avant garde/experimental
- Composition in Red and Yellow
- Composition in Red and Yellow (2)
- Composition in Red and Yellow (and whitey)
- Contact for Gene Youngblood
- contact info request for Jennifer Montgomery
- Contact info request for Manuel De Landa
- Coop at Millenium
- copley library in central sq. - boston 16mm film catalogue online
- Copy work with video camera
- copyright
- copyright. Please, please cite sources for your understandings and knowledge
- copyright. Thanks, Rick and Cari for the citations
- craft
- Cremaster cycle
- Cremaster cycle - Drawing Restraint 9
- criticalartware interviews Dan Sandin!
- Dada
- dada (off topic)
- Dada films
- Dada Films/Manhatta
- Dada?
- Dada? (Bataille v Breton)
- damon packard screening, sheffield uk
- DANCE MOViES 2 | Wed. 10/26 @ 7:30 pm | Rensselaer campus | Troy, NY, USA
- Dance/Rhythm/Movement
- DC Underground Film Festival Sept 30-Oct 1
- DEAD JACK THEATRE <---- Event Announcement re. Jack Smith
- Depression
- Details: Video Performance @ Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge MA 10.30.05
- dialogue (was crack babies after it was yellow and red)
- Different Flickers
- digital 8
- Dismantling War ReMix Live Performance
- Does anyone remember texture?
- Dominic's manifesto
- don letts...
- Don't Bogart That Joint...
- Don't Panic ‹ It's Organic!
- donnell media center - nypl 16mm film catalogue online
- Drift - available 12/13/05 from Microcinema
- Dutch Masters: New preservations of Barbara Meter films in Utrecht
- DVD authoring and DV
- DVD authoring tools
- DVD authoring: digital videotape formats explained
- Dylan / Warhol
- Eco Poetics: Call for Submissions
- Ed Wood the Avant-gardist
- editor not as filmmaker
- Egomania With Lord Tim
- email change
- Erotic Film Festival
- Es-MEN-chial Cinema & women
- Essential and Kodachrome
- essential cinema
- essential cinema & women
- essential cinema & women unc-lea(r/n)
- Essential Cinema footnotes
- Essential Cinema List & women
- essential cinema list ...
- essential cinema reply
- Essential Video
- etc
- European Artist Contacts
- European Artist Film and Video contacts
- European distributors of 16mm prints (need assistance)
- european projector
- Evidence Is Everywhere
- Evolution 2006, Leeds, UK
- Exciting List of Filmmakers
- excuse me, I have to go take care of crack babies
- exis
- EXiS2005
- experience vs. image
- Experimental filmmaker job opening
- Experimental Films in Time Magazine 1960s
- experimental media berlin
- Experiments in Documentary An Artists' Roundtable Symposium
- f. camper's essential cinema
- fascinating discussion
- faux film-maker's black list
- festivals and other venues
- film & video services - super 8 prints?
- Film and video in China
- Film and/as Art
- film as art object
- Film as Art Show
- Film Catalogues Online and Searchable
- Film Coops in the Twin Cities area?
- Film performances in a bright room
- film scanners
- film scanners, Blu-Ray, HDDVD
- Film Scene, Hong Kong, April 21-22, 2006
- film series on 'light' in Atlanta
- film stock & frameworkers in Philly?
- film to tape transfers / avid
- film to tape transfers / avid - Telecine
- film transfer/ to good to be true?
- Film Using Archival Footage
- Film-maker's Cooperative Catalogue Online and Searchable
- film-maker's list
- film-maker's list "Format" / Help Holp?
- Film-Makers Coop Benefit - Tuesday Sept 27
- Film-Makers Coop Benefit 9/27/05
- film/video/whatever - its up to the artist
- Filmmakers Coop Benefit - Saturday at Millenium
- Filmmakers Coop Holiday Benefit this Saturday
- Filmmaking expensive?
- films by marguerite paris SUN 8pm in NYC -FREE-
- Films like Irreversible/Run Lola Run
- Films of the Situationist International starts Monday/Stalin
- Films Using Archival Footage
- Films using Archival Footage/Experiments in Documentary
- Final MadCat Screening Tonight - Animated Docs
- Fischinger / Visual Music DC
- Fischinger at Lincoln Center, New York, Jan 2
- FLEX FEST 2005
- FLEX tours the East coast (!!!).
- Flicker, blogs
- focus ring (was small camcorders)
- FPC orders now go through Kodak
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 1 Dec 2005 - Special issue (#2005-844)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 18 Oct 2005
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 18 Oct 2005 - Special issue (#2005-687)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 21 Dec 2005 - Special issue (#2005-915)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 26 Nov 2005 - Special issue (#2005-823)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 5 Sep 2005 - Special issue (#2005-536)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 5 Sep 2005 - Special issue (#2005-537)
- FRAMEWORKS Digest - 8 Sep 2005 to 9 Sep 2005 - Special issue (#2005-554)
- Free Steenbeck IN NYC, it says
- Freedom of Speech (was: Does Anyone Remember Texture?)
- Freud
- from your friends at AFA
- from your friends at UBU
- from your friends at UBU - Bruce Baillie
- from your friends at UBU - Mr Greenburg
- from your friends at UBU - web preview clips
- from your friends at UBU: Lost Cause
- from your friends at UBUWEB
- fun with logic
- Funeral Procession of Roses at the HFA
- Fwd: [iDC] Activism
- Fwd: AVANT-HORROR: Tales from the Film-Makers Coop Crypt
- Fwd: Call for Submissions: (Super) Reel Dames Film Festival - Montreal 2006
- Fwd: CONF: DADA in Debate (London, 25-26 Nov 05)
- Fwd: failure notice
- Fwd: Film and/as Art
- FWD: Films of the Situationist Int'l
- FWD: Films of the Situationist International starts Monday/Stalin
- Fwd: Films using Archival Footage
- Fwd: FRAMEWORKS/SHADOWS, SPECTERS, SHARDS: Making History in Avant-Garde Film
- Fwd: from your friends at UBU
- Fwd: Holiday Film Benefit & PARTY Sat December 10 - 8pm
- Fwd: INDEPENDENT FILM SHOW 5th Edition 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 november 2005 Palazzo delle Arti - PAN (via dei Mille, 60 - 80122 Napoli)
- Fwd: new Interview with Mike Kuchar
- Fwd: Peter Tscherkassky - the book
- Fwd: removing the prism from a Bolex?
- Fwd: Robert Beavers Press Screening
- Fwd: Turkey, Europe, Zanzibar
- Fwd: Video Journalism films online
- Fwd: Yoko Ono's RAPE
- Google's scanning project
- Google's scanning project (book sorting)
- Google's scanning project (book sorting, sorta)
- Grad school
- Grad. Conference CFP (abstract deadline Dec. 15): Cinema Studies' Historical Turn
- Gregory Markopoulos and Sidney Peterson
- Gregory Markopoulos films distribution
- Hand Processing Techniques
- handcrank variable speed filming?
- Harry Smith live voice over
- Hasbro Zoombox
- Hauling Toto Big
- Have Auricon Knowedge?
- hi con shooting help?
- hi-con and pos-as-neg questions
- hip hip hippie hello
- hip hip hippie hello/ifc
- hip, hip, hippie goodbye
- hip, hip, hippie hello
- Hippo print
- Hippopotamuses print
- Histoire(s) du Cinema
- Hitchcock Vertigo Video Essay
- Holiday Cheer Video just for you
- Hungry Ghost in Vancouver
- i ain't clear - gen./zev
- I Had Nowhere to Go by Jonas Mekas
- if there was no copyright...
- imagine
- IMDb Movie of the Day
- Immaterial Monuments at the HFA
- Immersions 10.15.05 Dr. T, Dean Stiglitz,Ramona Herboldsheimer, Neil Leonard , Haruka Horii, Helena Schniewind
- In defense of unionism--A Manifesto
- In The Street origination format
- Independent Exposure 2006 - Call for Works
- Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine
- interesting conference
- interesting conference)
- international microcinema database
- intro film texts
- IPOD Video Spex
- Irish film collective Solus is back ...
- ISO: Horseman, Woman, & Moth by Brakhage
- It's all about the Benjamins
- Jack Smith and MM SERRA
- Jacobs/Gottheim
- James Krell films
- JAMES WHITNEY / distribution / preservation / etc.
- Jargon etc (was: video art, etc)
- jeff keen
- Jeff Keen formats
- Jeff Keen show Dec.3
- Jem Cohen contact info
- jem cohen on NPR
- jennifer fieber <(address suppressed)>
- Job Posting - Production
- Jodorowsky + misc.
- Jodorowsky: Now available for weddings
- Jon Jost in NYC -- Digital Filmmaking Workshop -- Oct. 8 1:00-5:30pm Saturday
- Journal of Short Film
- Journal of Short Films and Shorter Ads
- Judson Church
- JX Williams & The Gray Lady
- Kathryn Elder email contact
- KEM rapid picture/sound heads
- ken jacobs
- Ken Jacobs DVD forthcoming
- Kenji Onishi, Burning Star
- Kerry Laitala screenign in Vancouver
- Kerry Laitala screening in Vancouver
- Keystone Moviegraph
- kodachrome cut-off date
- kubelka in the bay area (response to el ray)
- LA Film Critics Honor Unseen Cinema DVD
- lacan / derrida
- lacan / derrida (for Jonathan)
- lacan / derrida / cognitivism
- lacan / derrida, now cognitivism, etc., for Douglas/Jonathan/Nicole (anyone else?)
- lacan/derrida
- Last two weeks of Robert Beavers films at the Whitney
- Laurent Coderre's 'Rusting World'
- Leo Awards to Honor Ricky Leacock & Amos and Marcia Vogel
- Les Yeux Sans Visage
- Leslie Thornton
- Leslie Thornton (word)
- Leslie Thornton)
- Lesslie Thorton
- let's kick ...
- let's kick ...our way out of the ghetto
- let's kick Marty around
- Lillian Schwartz at Ocularis tonight
- Lincoln Center positions it's cannon.
- List of Linked Filmmakers
- Local Film Histories
- Local-International (was Unseen Cinema)
- London Exploding Cinema, Maldoror
- London Film Festival 2005
- Looking for 'Wind" by Marcell Iványi (Hungary, 1996)
- Looking for a flatbed
- Looking for Aaton XTR manual (pre-XTRplus)
- Looking for Daniel Reeves
- Looking for David Bryant
- Looking for James Schneider
- Looking for Jason Huddy
- looking for John Remington and Brian Duchscherer
- Looking for Moviola M50 viewer manual
- Looking for Pin Pin Tan
- Lot in Sodom
- Lucas the Avant-gardist???
- Lucas the Avant-gardist??? - Cremastar Cycle
- Lucas the Avant-gardist??? - Ed, Lucas and the Avant Garde
- Lumiere online?
- MadCat Festival begins Tues Sept 13
- Making Movies at Home...
- Man Ray, Le retour a la raison
- Man vs. beast
- Managing Director at MIFF
- Manifesto
- Margaret Tait
- Marina Abramovic contact
- Mark LaPore
- Mark LaPore special tribute screening Sunday October 30th.
- Mary Ellen Bute
- Massachusetts College of Art Film Society Schedule FALL 2005 Version 1
- MassArt film society shows!
- Meanwhile, back from Iraq
- Mekas, The Walden Book, One Light Printing
- Michael Wilson's "Flora's Film"
- Microcinema Map... microcinemas listings for other cities
- microcinemas + publications
- microcinemas - SEATTLE AREA
- microcinemas listings for other cities
- Microlab screening in SF @ATA
- MIFF position
- Millennium Film Journal
- Millennium Film Journal Nos 43/44
- Millennium Film Journal website update
- Millennium URL
- Millennium URL (was: Coop at Millennium)
- Milwaukee Frameworkers
- MoMA Circulating film catalogs
- More Details Video Performance Cambridge 12.11.05
- More Jump Cut back issues online
- More van Meter
- More van Meter/originals
- most popular intro text is...? (was: On Wisconsin)
- Movies and "Market Capitalism"
- Mr. Greenburg, idle question
- Museum research project: Flash Animation
- Music rights and wrongs
- NAMAC (was Text of: 01/20/77 MOVIE JOURNAL)
- NAOMI UMAN :/: new DVD from Peripheral Produce
- Nelson/Awful Backlash soundtrack
- Neoism
- Neoism.
- Never thought I'd say "ipod"
- new book
- New Ocularis Season Begins Sunday
- new super-8 Ektachrome
- Newcastle scene?
- Newspaper coverage of experimental film
- NFPF Announces 2005 Avant-Garde Film Preservation Grants
- Nicky's Barney review
- No Wave Video Night at Ocularis
- NTSC mini dv to PAL digibeta questions
- NTSC to PAL and vice versa
- NYC avant outings
- NYC Frameworkers -- Last Call for Jem Cohen's CHAIN plus Lucky 3
- NYC Frameworkers tonight
- NYT on Music Rights costs
- NYU Grad Student Strike Update: IATSE Boycott of Tisch
- NYU strike / screening space?
- Off Topic: Happy Birthday
- old tapes
- On seeing Chris Marker's films (dvd's/videos)
- On seeing the films of Malcolm Le Grice
- On Wisconsin (was: "overlearning," etc.; for: James, Jonathan, Nicole, etc.)
- One Light Printing
- Open Call, videoDictionary in collaboration with Impakt
- Open Reel
- Open Reel - Ongoing Screening Series
- Open Reel - Screening Series - Troy, NY
- opening Sat. nov.12th--6-8pm ((address suppressed) av)
- Optical Printer Sequencer
- Oral Film History Interviewers Needed
- Organic Home processing
- Orlan films
- owen plotkin in soundlab Edition 3
- Paolo Gioli
- Part 1 of 2: This week [October 23 - 30, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 1 of 2: This week [September 25 - October 2, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 2 of 2: This week [October 23 - 30, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Part 2 of 2: This week [September 25 - October 2, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Pat O'Neill
- Pat O'Neill at Manchester Cornerhouse
- PDX Film Fest : call for entries reminder
- PDX Film Festival
- PDX Film Festival + online video
- PDX Film Festival / LWSFF / weird formats
- PDXFF's online video & onsidewalk film
- pennsylvania 16mm film catalogue online
- Peter Tscherkassky - the book
- PhD studentship REWIND Artists' Video in the '70's and '80's
- PhD studentship scholarship REWIND: Artists Video in the 70s and 80s
- Phil Solomon review in the NYTimes
- Philip Hood's new "Public 16's Film-maker's List"
- Philippe Garrel's Japan DVDs
- pixels
- please try out my new compression for the film Working Portraits (link not public yet)
- Please visit my new website (with clips)
- plug-in cinema
- Poem from a Personal Diary
- political and power relationships
- political and power relationships - warhol
- political and power relationships / Olympics
- political and power relationships- 16mm, fear and shivers
- political and power relationships- paranoia
- political and power relationships]
- Portrait of Jason on DVD
- Positioning the (nonviolent) Audience
- Positioning the Audience
- Positioning the Audience - Flusser
- postgraduate courses
- preservation of Brakhage painted films
- preservation of Brakhage's "amateur" films
- Prince George's County Maryland Hyattsville 16mm Catalogue Online
- Print Source - Shirley Clarke's PORTRAIT OF JASON
- printed catalog brochures
- Problems with website
- Problems with website - another solution with Flash Video
- Problems with website - PC codecs
- production job opening--Northwestern
- Projection Instructions"
- projector queries
- PS
- Psyche by Gregory Markopoulos
- Psychedelia
- psychology v. politics
- Public 16's Film-maker's List
- publication of interest
- question for san francisco readers
- Quicktimes online
- Raphael Montanez Ortiz
- Raphael Ortiz's 'Cowboy and Indian Film'
- Raul Ruiz
- Re : London Exploding Maldoror
- RE s-8 prints
- Recipes for Disaster, A Handcrafted Film Cookbooklet
- Recipes for Disaster, A Handcrafted Film Cookbooklet?
- recommendation for 16mm to Beta SP PAL transfer
- Red and Yellow and Chain
- Regular 8 regularly
- Regular 8mm transfers nyc
- Reminder + Globe listing/photo Video Performance -- Immersions --12.17.05
- Reminder for the S8 IMAGES call for works & Philip's list
- Reminder- remaining Walking Picture Palace Programs
- Reminder: deadline Urban Research Dec 15
- removing the prism from a Bolex?
- rencontre des labos
- Rental stats (was: attempted summary)
- Rental suggestions needed for exper. prod. course
- replies to James, Scott and Dominic
- reply to keefer
- REPOST: DEAD JACK THEATRE <---- Event Announcement re. Jack Smith
- Request for Jonas Mekas photos
- Resurrecting and championing the films of JAMES WHITNEY
- REVERENCE: The Films of Owen Land (formerly known as George Landow): US Tour Dates
- Rewind key
- REWIND: Artists’ Video in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s
- Robert Beavers at the Whitney Museum Oct. 7-30
- Robert Wise, R.I.P.
- Rodney King
- Russian developing tanks
- S16mm Film, HD projection
- S16mm Film, HD projection PS
- S8 Cartridge projector question
- Salt air, a Bolex, and lenses.
- Scoooopix
- Scott's Flicker best of it's kind!
- Screaming & posturing Norma Desmond.
- Screaming & posturing!
- search cheap & easy to arrange super 8 projectors
- Seasons Greetings
- seattle microcinema
- seeing red and yellowy
- seeking Brian Frye
- Seeking Ed Halter
- seeking Fred Worden
- Seeking New Orleans Editor
- seeking super 8 VNF processing info
- Selling Underwater Housing for Bolex
- Seminal 1980's Brian Eno Video Art now on DVD!
- Shirley Clarke's dying Video based work
- Shirley Clarke's PORTRAIT OF JASON
- Shirley Clarke's PORTRAIT OF JASON: DVD or 16mm?
- Shorts! Volume 3 Now Available
- Show of Lower East Side Projections
- Silent Films set to LIVE MUSIC
- silt (from "PDX Film Festival / LWSFF / weird formats" thread)
- Sinclair Lewis & Mel Brooks
- small camcorders
- small space/rear projection/keystone{?}
- sniffing around
- sniffing around - the majority of Film Fest entry fees stink!
- some light fare
- Some points about the UBUWEB debate Benjamin again
- Some points about the UBUWEB debate.
- Some thoughts on Positioning the Audience
- something like flying : new dvds + more
- sorry for the multiple posts!
- SowHow, NY
- speaking of dvd's....
- Speaking of PDX - events? Places?
- stills for article question
- stock for titles
- stop the mailing
- Super 8 ASA 10, in a Canon 1014
- Super 8 Films of René Magritte
- Super 8 hi con shooting help?
- Super 8 Late corrected call
- super 8 neg video transfers in canada
- Super 8 Prints in Berlin
- super-8 B/W film lab
- super-8 cartridge projectors
- Super-8 Prints
- super-8 processing
- super-8 processing - Switzerland vs. Dwayne's
- Super8 Cartridge Projectors
- Super8 negative transfer
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm?
- Synch cables for Small Jk Printer
- T-Max B/W Reversal kit
- tabula Dada
- Technical Innovation (was Lucas the Avant-gardist???)
- Teetering on the brink
- temper, temper
- ten years of frameworks!
- test
- Text of: 01/20/77 MOVIE JOURNAL
- Text of: Dear SWN: 02/10/77
- Text of: Is the Government Subsidizing Sexism in Film ?
- Texture afterthought...
- Thank you from Microcinema DVD
- thanks to Spielberg and Scorcese (was let's kick Marty around)
- The Brooklyn Horror!
- the contact info for heather mcadams.
- the coop needs contact info for Martin Arnold + Kurt Kren's estate
- the edison/elephant print source.
- The Film Gallery in Paris: Notes on the Circus only two more nights
- The Films of Owen Land (George Landow) at the Whitney Museum, NYC
- The Journal of Short Film is a reality
- The Journal of Short Film NYC Launch Party (Nov.12)
- The Politics of Avant-Garde Language
- The Projectionists
- the tears in yantra (on behalf of Ross L)
- The Vlogging Revolution
- The Walking Picture Palace at Anthology Film Archives
- The Wideo Revolution - SMALL Videos
- The Wind by Ron Tunis
- The Work of James Blue: A Film + Video Retrospective, Oct. 13-16, 05
- There Goes the Neighborhood: Gentrification on Film
- Think of the Children
- This week (November 6-13, 2005) in avant garde cinema (2 of 2)
- This week (November 6-13, 2005) in avant garde cinema (2 of 2)... Missing Part 1
- This week [December 11 - 18, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [December 17 - 24, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [December 4 - 11, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [November 13 - 20, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [November 20 - 27, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [November 27 - December 4, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [November 6 - 11, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [October 16 - 23, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [October 2 - 9, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [October 30 - November 6, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [September 11 - 18, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- This week [September 18 - 25, 2005] in avant garde cinema
- Today: Show & Screening in Troy, NY
- Tonight Jenn Reeves and Caroline Martel in person!
- Total Power: Dead Dead Dead
- Transferring the innards of a VHS tape - Los Angeles
- Trees in Durham Dec 1
- Tribulation 99
- Tscherkassky / changing subject
- Tscherkassky /Luther Price found footage
- Turkey, Europe, UK
- Turkey, Europe, UK? Where R U?
- Turkey, Europe, Zanzibar
- Twin Cities/Minnesota Frameworkers?
- ubu wrap-up
- ubu, rights, power
- ubu, wrap-up?
- UbuWeb, etc
- UK animator Paul Bush on tour
- Univ of Southern Florida contact?
- Unseen Cinema DVD
- Unseen Cinema DVD (ps)
- Unseen Cinema in NYC, Washington, LA, Chicago
- Unseen Cinema in VARIETY
- Upcoming Gallery Exhibitions + Screenings @ Florida Atlantic University
- upcoming performance / panel
- upcoming performance/panel
- upcoming performances/panel
- Urban Research
- Urban Sprawl/space -y
- van Meter
- van Meter / Nelson
- Vasulka Yard Sale
- video art, etc)
- video art, etc.
- video art, Viola etc.
- video art.etc.
- Video Journalism films online
- Video Performance -- Immersions --- Hyde Park, MA 10.15.05
- Video Performance -- Immersions --- Hyde Park, MA 12.17.05
- Video Performance -- Immersions --- Hyde Park, MA 9.24.05 -- 8PM
- Video Performance -- Immersions w Glynnis Loman, cello-- Hyde Park, MA 11.19.05
- Video Performance TONIGHT -- Immersions --- Hyde Park, MA
- Video Performance w The Lothars + Bob M, Lowell MA, 11.05.05
- Video Performances Cambridge 12.11.05 and Boston 12.17.05
- video projector advice
- video simulationists
- video visions (LFF)
- Vidster Rebate
- viewing clips online - response to Alex's post
- Views From a Symbiotic Relationship
- Views from the Avant- Garde
- Viper
- Visual Holiday gifts from Doctor T.
- Visual Music from Iota DVD
- Vlogging / Webvideo
- Vogel documentary
- Vogel's Thirteen Confusions and other promised cites
- Vogel's Thirteen Confusions and Pittsburgh
- Vogel's Thirteen Confusions as object
- Voir/USA
- Wanted: Canon Scoopic
- Was video art, now Jargon
- Washington DC MLK Jr. Library - 16mm Film Catalogue
- What do authors think of all this?
- what is happening in Seattle?
- What is the AG filmmaking community?
- What Time Is It There ?
- where are etc
- Where to go for transfers to progressive video
- where, when, etc r u?
- where, when, etc r u? newcastle...
- Who is Ms. Spears Britney?
- Who knew Adam Beckett?
- whose list is it?
- whose list is it?/changing subject
- why
- Wilkerson/Archival Footage/Experiments in Documentary
- William Klein films
- windows users & QT clips
- Wireless and Mobile Media Call for Work -- San Francisco International Film Festival
- WMH wav file
- Wonder Ring / Gnir Rednow
- Worrisome List of Filmmakers
- Yoko Ono's RAPE
- York Film position: Critical, Historical, and Theoretical Studies
- York University Dept of Film - Production position
- Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession doc available october 11th
- Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession DVD coming soon
- Zeitgeist/Dada
- º°¨¨°º a short note from Team Directors Lounge º°¨¨°º
Last message date: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 10:31:10 PST
Archived on: Fri Dec 30 2005 - 17:00:14 PST
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