From: joe beres (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 17 2006 - 11:02:59 PST
I must say that I am long out of academia, and a little bit rusty when
it comes to writing, but I have read the Haller book, and would love to
write about it. I am not sure what qualifications you look for in a
writer, and I am afraid that my AMIA membership has lapsed, but please
let me know what you need, and if I may be of some help.
Joe Beres
Film/video assistant - Walker Art Center
Programmer - Wisconsin Film Festival
Jan-Christopher Horak wrote:
> /The Moving Image. The Journal of the Association of Moving Image
> Archivists /(University of Minnesota Press) is looking for a reviewer
> to write about two Anthology publications:
> Robert Haller: /Crossroads: avant-garde Film in Pittsburgh in the 1970s/
> Amy Greenfield (ed): /Curtis Harrington. Cinema on the Edge./
> //
> Please respond to this email off list.
> Thanks,
> CHRIS Horak
> //
> Dr. Jan-Christopher Horak
> Curator, Hollywood Entertainment Museum
> Professor, UCLA
> Editor, /The Moving Image/
> 545 Sierra Vista Ave.
> Pasadena, CA. 91107
> 323 960 4805 (office)
> __________________________________________________________________ For
> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.