From: Marilyn Brakhage (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 07 2006 - 21:54:13 PST
The Arabics are great, but I can't easily pick a particular number. .
. . There are really lots of Brakhage films in the 20-30 dollar range.
Following a quick look at the Canyon catalogue, here are just a few:
Two: Creeley/McClure ($20)
The Machine of Eden ($30)
Western History ($25)
The Process ($40) . . . This price maybe should be lowered. I see
it's mistakenly listed with Canyon as 13 minutes; I think it's only 9.
I'll check.
The Shores of Phos: A Fable ($30)
@ ($20)
Absence ($25) -- available in S8mm or 16mm
Aftermath ($25)
Thot Fal'n ($25. -- that's a deal! It's a little longer than listed.)
The Thatch of Night ($30)
Agnus Dei Kinder Synapse ($20)
Christ Mass Sex Dance ($24)
Vision of the Fire Tree ($20)
Naughts ($20)
. . .
Marilyn Brakhage
Victoria BC Canada
Been a long time since I've seen RR. Maybe somebody else could answer
On Tuesday, February 7, 2006, at 08:07 PM, J. Mabe wrote:
> I'm looking for suggestions for one or two short,
> cheap, Brakhage rentals that are lesser known titles
> (all the better if I've never heard of it). I figure
> I'll rent one of the Arabics - so if someone has a
> favorite from the 20-30 buck rentals range, please
> throw out a number. I need some film hitting my eyes
> and renting 50, 60 bucks worth of prints is much
> cheaper than $110 bus ticket to New York (and I don't
> want to have to go see Grandma's Boy again at the
> $1.50 theater). How is RR (I'm a fan of Breer, so the
> description sounds good)?
> Thanks,
> Rock Hill, hill of rocks, South Carolina, The South.
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