From: Barbara Keating (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 09 2006 - 11:51:05 PST
In some countries it is necessary to have larger
families, to farm, to work, and because not so many
children survive even their early years, Perhaps we
don;t see many films from these societies, hmmm, now
why might that be ?
--- Doug vanderHoof <email suppressed> wrote:
> On 2/9/06 10:52 AM, "Tom B Whiteside"
> <email suppressed> wrote:
> > little more worldly and a little less
> self-satisfied when it comes to other
> > people's intensely personal issues such as
> reproduction and child-rearing.
> Tom Whiteside,
> I'm the last one to intrude on things that are
> only intensely personal
> (I suspect it might be religious for you, no?).
> Let's have the greatest
> possible variety of thinking and speaking and
> believing.
> Creating more human beings in a
> quintuply-overpopulated world is
> intensely personal but it's also an action that
> reverberates through our
> shared planet and down through the generations. So
> it's personal and
> social/political/economic/ecological. Don't you
> think that's true?
> May I sketch some aspects of this and see if we
> have any common
> concerns?
> I have a friend who doesn't eat mushrooms
> because he thinks they're
> creatures from another dimension and if he eats them
> it will punch holes in
> his aura. I've never tried to dissuade him from
> this. Nor would I if he
> thought everyone ought to eat mushrooms. But if he
> started planting
> mushrooms in our shared space, I'd rush to intrude
> on his intensely personal
> decision.
> Likewise with bearing children. Every middle
> class American child will
> do as much environmental damage as whole villages in
> Africa. Having a child
> is currently a personal decision, but it's also one
> for which we all bear
> the burden.
> Some people really, really want to have
> children. That's one factor
> they might consider. But it's not the only factor.
> Does that make sense
> that one would say that?
> On a related note, one hopeful trend in human
> history is that people who
> live in cities naturally tend toward not having
> children. Every major
> civilization has reached a point where the
> population ebbs and they make
> laws to encourage people to have children but it
> never works. We're talking
> China, New Kingdom Egypt, Augustan Rome, post-Asokan
> India, Imperial
> Britain, Italy today, and probably lots I can't
> recall. The Mayans were
> probably already in the throes of this when the
> conquistadors arrived. It's
> happening in the USA right now. It's entirely
> natural. Spengler has a tidy
> summary of this in the Soul of the City section of
> "The Decline of the
> West."
> Is this worldly enough for you? Actually, I'm a
> little stung by the ad
> hominem thrust and I hope we get back on the civil
> tip if we keep talking
> about this important topic. If we can't, never
> mind. I'll drop it.
> As far as "self-satisfied", I'm open to hearing
> about how to express
> strong feelings or controversial wishes and opinions
> in other ways.
> Googling you makes me expect you'll have some
> valuable input if you care to
> speak to this.
> Cordially,
> Dv
> Doug vanderHoof
> Producer/Owner
> Modern Media
> Bucktown, Chicago
> (773)394-0029
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
from Barbara Keating, artist, t/a E CLIPS email suppressed
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.