From: Cameron J. Stallones (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Feb 10 2006 - 10:14:51 PST
Like many young, impressionable folk my age I had a brief stint in the
world of public radio. While there, i ran across,
a forum of sorts for independently produced radio. Part of the site's
wealth of information is their "Tools" section, where different mics,
minidisc, and tape recorders are discussed for performance in the field.
It also has basic tutorials on EQing, ProTools (including info on the
amazing ProTools Free, a complete version of ProTools which is limited to
8 tracks at a time, but completely free!), etc., from a radio standpoint
which can be much closer to a filmmaking standpoint than reading anything
coming from a music standpoint.
heres a great mic taste test and shootout
and heres an intro to picking a field mic (very basic, but helpful)
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.