Re: FRAMEWORKS Digest - 14 Feb 2006 to 15 Feb 2006 - Special issue (#2006-89)

From: Sam Wells (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Feb 16 2006 - 05:40:56 PST

> Theoretically, you
> COULD make up for an ASA mismatch by using the auto meter settings as
> they
> are and having a lab do actual pushing or pulling to adjust, but push
> or
> pull processing is expensive and not all labs will do it, and the
> rarity
> and relative cost factor I would guess would be more problematic in S8
> than in 16mm (not that I've checked any lab rates on this...)

This will have other effects on the image (more / less contrast, grain
etc) besides changing effective exposure index.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.