Re: Magic and the American Avant-Garde Cinema

From: Keith Sanborn (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Feb 27 2006 - 00:05:03 PST

Hi Jack:

Sorry, I have no information on any publication
of papers. Contact P. Adams directly for that.


>this sounds really great esp, the breeze / singh
>session - are the papers being published?
>On Monday, February 27, 2006, at 12:08 am, Keith Sanborn wrote:
>>The webpage for the conference on Magic and the
>>American Avant-Garde Cinema is now accessible:
>>There you will find information about the
>>speakers, directions to Princeton University
>>and to 185 Nassau St., where the conference
>>will be held on Saturday March 11. The
>>conference will begin with the customary
>>tedious preliminary remarks (by host P. Adams
>>Sitney) at 9:00am. By 9:30 the first speaker,
>>David Levi Strauss, will make his presentation;
>>so be sure to arrive by that time, if you can.
>>Each speaker has been asked to prepare a thirty
>>minute presentation., Some will include film
>>clips. The relatively brief presentations will
>>permit time for discussion among the speakers,
>>and then with the audience at large. We
>>anticipate concluding at 6:00pm.
>>The schedule is as follows:
>>Preliminary remarks (P. Adams Sitney)
>>David Levi-Strauss: Magic and Images
>>Renata Jackson: Maya, Magic, and Film
>>Tom Gunning: The Rhetoric of Magic: Metaphor
>>and Transformation as an Alternative Model for
>>Avant-Garde Film
>>12:00 - 2:00pm lunch break
>>2:00 pm
>>Karen Beckman: Zoë Beloff and the Other Sides of Cinema
>>Robert Kelly: Iconolatry -- Magic High and Low
>>Rani Singh and William Breeze: Conversion on
>>Magick and Cinema: Harry Smith and Kenneth
>>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.