From: Ed Halter (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 28 2006 - 06:25:45 PST
Hi there
Please forward this to students, filmmakers, and artists you know who would
be interested.
Please note that itıs administered by the Free History Project, SF, CA and
contact information is at the bottom of the email.
Sarah Jacobson Film Grant
This annual film grant is intended to honor the spirit and legacy of Sarah
Jacobson. Sarah, whose feature film Mary Jane's Not A Virgin Anymore
screened at the 1997 Sundance Film Festival, died in 2004 after a battle
with cancer. Sarah led a DIY
("Do It Yourself") movement in the 1990s, promoting and distributing her own
work with her producer and mom, Ruth Ellen Jacobson, speaking at festivals
and events everywhere, and writing about film for a number of publications.
A tireless,
at times even shameless, promoter of her own work, Sarah was also a
passionate advocate for the films of fellow filmmakers.
The Free History Project, Ruth Jacobson (Sarahıs mom), and a number of
Sarahıs friends have contributed money in order to give out a small annual
grant to one or more female filmmakers whose work embodies some of the
things that Sarah stood for: a fierce DIY approach to filmmaking, a radical
social critique, and a thoroughly underground sensibility.
Last year we gave a $500 grant to San Francisco filmmaker Veronica Majano
for her experimental documentary film Remember Los Siete.
This year, we plan to give out two grants of $750 each to support a film
project in any stage of completion from pre-production through distribution.
We are open to films of any length and genre, from documentary to
experimental to narrative. What we are
looking for are projects that in some way embody Sarahıs spirit and
represent the values that she articulated in her work.
To apply for the grant, please mail the following materials to the Free
History Project, postmarked by March 31, 2006. Include a SASE if you would
like your materials returned to you.
1. A synopsis/treatment of the project (no more than 3 pages). Please
include a detailed description of the film -- its subject, style, structure,
and distribution strategy. Please also explain why your project is
appropriate for this grant.
2. A simple one-page budget for the project. Also include a paragraph
describing other funding you have received for this project and how you
would use the money from this grant.
3. A short bio for the filmıs director.
4. A work sample either a trailer or rough-cut of the project youıre
applying for the grant with, or an example of previous work. The work sample
should be on either VHS or DVD. Please do not send more than one sample.
The Free History Project is not staffed full-time, so we are unable to
respond to telephone or email inquiries.
The Free History Project
1563 Solano Avenue, Box 197
Berkeley, CA 94707
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.