Re: the word is out: experimental film is available for use on dvd by educators

From: Mitsu Hadeishi (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 10:33:22 PST

Just to clarify, I didn't mean to suggest that HD was equivalent to film in
terms of quality or dynamic range, just that HD is capable of creating a very
beautiful visual effect when done well, and certainly at least as interesting
and rich a format as many film formats --- not as rich as 35mm but a lot
better than one might think. Miranda's movie was shot by Chuy Chavez who had
worked with HD before so he understood its properties and he was able to get
some really dazzling looking shots, just beautiful, with an HD camera. Yes,
film still has a larger dynamic range than even the best HD cameras, and 35mm
film has a higher resolution --- but I am simply saying that in the right
hands, you can get very far with HD (just as you can get excellent results
with even DVD with the right projector). You have to be creative and skilled
with it as you would be with any medium.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.