Re: guy debord film retrospective:

From: Keith Sanborn (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Mar 04 2006 - 12:27:24 PST

It looks like Bill Brown (aka Not Bored!) the
hypocrite who gnashed his teeth and wailed about
my subtitled version of Society of the Spectacle
10 years ago selling originally for $30 to
justify his bootlegging it for $5, is getting
greedy again exploiting someone else's labor.
Only he's not even offering copies, just
admission to a screening and none of the money
for Bill Brown's screening goes to the Debord

The whole boxset with mailing charges costs
around $75 US. The Ken Knabb translations of most
of the films are available online at
While these translations leave something to be
desired, they are free. Let's see with 4
admissions plus xeroxing costs Bill is in the
black; not as good as the money he made on
selling copies of Society of the Spectacle but a
good profit for those entering the sideshow tent.

My subtitled version of Society of the Spectacle
and Refutation of all judgments... can be
downloaded for free at:

You will also find there a freely downloadable
subtitled version of in girum imus nocte et
consumimir igni. This version was prepared using
Ken Knabb's subtitles.

And by the way, this first edition of the Debord
boxset leaves a lot to be desired in terms of its
technical quality. See my review in the February
Artforum in your local library for the details.

Better to save your money for the second edition
now being prepared, or an official English
subtitled version when that comes out.

Keith Sanborn

>oh hi,
>I'm excited to hear about this ... I finally ordered
>the dvds from france & they came yesterday, and then I
>learned about this. my guess is that they are showing
>the dvds, but I am uncertain, and elsewhere, in new york
>"time out" I read the statement: "none of these prints have
>english subtitles" ... so I don't know if they are showing
>film or video. but, anyway, enjoy!
># -------------------------------------------------
>5 pm to midnight, Chashama, 217 42d Street NYC
>NOT BORED! presentsâ*” GUY DEBORD FILM RETROSPECTIVE Sunday 5 March 200
>In response to the way he was slandered in the French press during its
>coverage of the murder of his friend, Gerard Lebovici, on 5 March 1984,
>Guy Debord withdrew all six of his films from world-wide distribution.
>It wasn't until shortly after his death (a suicide) on 30 November 1994
>that two of Debord's films were finally screened on French TV. Finally,
>in November 2005, Debord's films were re-released as a collection. Most
>of these films have never been screened in New York. In this
>retrospective, all six of Debord's films will be shown in chronological
>order and in the original French. No subtitles. Translations and other
>relevant printed materials will be available. 5 pm Hurlements en faveur
>de Sade (1952) 7 pm Sur le Passage de Quelques Personnes (1959) 8 pm
>Critique de la Separation (1961) 9 pm La Societe du Spectacle (1973) 11
>pm Refutation de tous les Jugements (1975) midnight In girum imus nocte
>et consumimu igni (1978) Tickets: $30 for the whole evening, $20 after 9
>pm, $10 after 11 pm. Doors open at 4:30pm.
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.