Re: Meeting with Kodak

From: 40 Frames (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Mar 07 2006 - 17:13:52 PST

> Could probably raise those numbers significantly by passing the petitions
> around a few film schools.
> Steven


That would be a big project.

The petitions circulated on Frameworks, CML, AMIA,,
eFilm-Center, and a number of super 8 forums. If students are interested
in film, then
I would imagine they subscribe to one or a number of these forums.

The idea was the petitions would increase as people kept passing them
along, and it worked
but not to the tune of 5000-10000 endorsements. The other thing I should
mention is that EK
never said what dollar amount was necessary to keep reversal stocks in

Individually sending petitions to film departments that would likely
ignore the message is
not something I had time for when I circulated the petitions. I appreciate
the thought though.


Alain LeTourneau
Pamela Minty
425 SE 3rd, #400
Portland, OR 97214
United States

+1 503 231 6548
Skype ID: frames40
email suppressed

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.