Re: have about 7200 jpg files, want it on 16mm film ...

From: Freya (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Mar 23 2006 - 03:44:22 PST

Hiya Philip!

Well obviously best and cheapest are mutually

Obviously for best you could get output from one of
the big film out houses like Swiss effects, but that's
a lot of money and they might have a minimum, I have
no idea.

A lot less advanced but cheaper would be the Black and
white film factory, who can transfer for only $60 per
minute or $150 per minute with sound:

Or you could transfer yourself the cheapest and
nastiest way by pointing a film camera with single
frame at a flat panel display (not a crt!) and taking
pictures one at a time of the image on the screen.



--- Philip Hood <email suppressed> wrote:

> hi, I have spoken to some others about this & done
> some research, but I wondered about the collective
> opinion of the list.
> I have about 7200 (24 per sec * 60 sec per * 5 min)
> jpg images and I'm looking to get the clearest and
> best representation of this onto 16mm film. I'd
> later like to add a soundtrack.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how/what
> would be the best and cheapest way to go about this
> process ?
> -ml
> pth
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.