Re: B+W reversal bleach- Hand processing observations, questions

From: alvamel (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 16:03:20 PST

Hi Steve,
I found the suggested times for the T-Max kit to be incompatible for the G-3. The pressure on the film while winding forces the chemicals to be squeezed out from between the layers of film, thus cutting chemical/film contact time. Also the chemicals in the T-Max kit (and most chemistry in general) seem to function better when agitated. You'll note that there is a little illustration on a hand holding/rotating a small tank in your Kodak instructions. To overcome this, I've tried extending my developing time by as much as 20 min and have had better luck. Try raising the ambient temp. of the chemicals to cut developing time.
In using the T-Max chemicals for hand processing 16mm film, I've been able to develop up to 700 feet of film with a single package with a high degree of success. After that the chemicals are almost exhausted and you'll need to extend overall developing times quite a bit to attain strong blacks and good highlights. You must refesh your bleach after each 100 foot developing sequence. The bleach that comes in the package will be a garnet purple when properly mixed - after bleaching the chemicals should have a milky purple quality. You'll notice the 1st developer will start to change from silvery clear to slight amber in color with every 100 feet you process. This will become obvious after 300'. With Plus-X, add 1 min developing after 200', 2 min after 500' - 5 and 10min for the G-3. Which means you'll likely be cranking for 30 min on your 1st developer alone.
You may consider spaghetti processing in 50' batches in a large stainless 35mm tank. This would give you a 'clean' image and would cut your time dramatically.

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