Re: Super-8 processing

From: Cari Machet (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 12:28:17 PST

ur very welcome
i have used forde for everything 'cept kodachrome
(cause they don't do it)
i used them when i lived in seattle
they r great

one of my irreplaceable original super 8 edited films was lost in shipping
i am super unhappy 2 say the least
(forde didn't ship it - but it was a co. on the west coast)

r u in manhattan or nyc?

ben ness is a photo place in manhattan
i have just used them forever
they r just sorta 'on it' - if u know what i mean
never had a problem

let me know if u have more questions


On 3/31/06, Gail Mentlik <email suppressed> wrote:
> Cari,
> Thanks for the info. Have you used Forde for super-8 b/w or
> Ektachrome? What do you mean shipping can create issues?
> Also, who is Ben ness?
> Thanks! -Gail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cari Machet <email suppressed>
> To: email suppressed
> Sent: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 13:11:57 -0500
> Subject: Re: Super-8 processing
> i go 2 ben ness
> on university
> they do xfers 2
> but i have not used that aspect
> i have had pac lab "problems"
> but am into accidents as non-accidental
> forde is great
> but shipping can create issues
> c
> On 3/30/06, andrew lampert <email suppressed> wrote: I picked up
> two rolls of b/w (one plus-x and a tri-x
> that had been pushed two stops) from Pac Lab today and
> was surprised at how good they looked. The
> highlights and shadows were great in both reels, even
> if I was trying to shoot too much in the dark with the
> tri-x. At the same time there was a weird flutter and
> I couldn't figure out if it was chemical or my
> normally solid projector.I'm going to watch again in
> a bit to figure that out. It used to be that when I
> had film Tri-X pushed there would be scratches and
> flaked emulsion, but they seem to have got that under
> control.That problem really marred a few reels I
> shot.Every once in awhile I shoot the old Ektachrome
> and it doesn't ever look that good, but this isn't
> their fault, I just don't like the stock.Overall, I
> think Pac Lab is good and they are trying hard to
> address whatever problems might exist operating in
> that weird little basement like they do.I am a bit
> prejudiced though as I work one block away.I'm too
> lazy to go anywhere else.I think that the older
> gentleman who used to be there is gone, but I've seen
> a lot of these people there for years now.Maybe they
> bought it?I can't remember the story.One of the
> guys was involved at another lab for years.A1 also
> does it in New York but I can't remember the last time
> I went there or why I would have never gone back.
> Probably proximity.
> Good luck,
> A.
> --- Gail Mentlik <email suppressed> wrote:
> > I'm looking for a lab recommendation for processing
> > both the old and
> > the new super-8 Tri-x (7278 & 7266) stocks, as well
> > asS-8 7240 (VNF)
> > and the new 64T Ektachrome stocks.
> >
> > Usually I would send the B/w to Pac Lab, but I
> > haven't used them in
> > about a year and understand that there is new
> > management/staff there.
> > Has anyone recently had b/w or Ektachrome processed
> > at Pac Lab or knows
> > about thechanges there?
> >
> > The other lab I was considering for the tri-x and
> > Ektachrome was Forde
> > Lab in Seattle. Has anyone had B&W processed there
> > or Ektachrome
> > recently? Forde Lab has just moved and merged with
> > Alpha Cine; I'm
> > wondering how that will affect their super-8
> > processing.
> >
> > Any thoughts on the above two labs or other
> > recommendations would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Gail Mentlik
> >
> >
> >
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