a different found footage 'challenge' - Trace Garden

From: Brook Hinton (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Apr 02 2006 - 21:34:44 PDT

I don't usually promote my own stuff on Frameworks but this might be
relevant / of interest in a different way to some folks here.

Some years ago I became the archivist for hours of home 16mm movies
found in the basement of a home which had belonged to the last member
of a wealthy San Francisco society family. I was allowed to keep the
digital transfers for my own use. The images have haunted me since I
first saw them. Last year I began experimenting with them in various
forms, but they seemed to want to take on very specific re-edited and
processed forms that didn't necessarily fit my own egotistical goals.

I've recently been for the first time intrigued by some of what's
happening with video on the web / ipod video / etc, particularly some
of the video blog work that's going on.

Something just sort of clicked. On the surface it doesn't make sense
that these rich film images with such a specific context should feel at
home in work made for tiny screens. Maybe it's that very contrast, but
this just seems right. And so: Trace Garden, a video blog by ghosts.


It requires quicktime 7 I'm afraid, as the h.264 is just barely
tolerable to me and plain old mp4 isn't for these purposes though I'm
not completely against an alternate feed. It's ipod-friendly and
RSS/podcast-subscribe-able. Episodes are usually 1 to 2 minutes, at
this point, and will be , I hope, updated weekly (there are 2 now).

Brook Hinton

On Apr 2, 2006, at 3:03 PM, Jeff Kreines wrote:

> As part of a creative new ad campaign for the new Tahoe, General
> Motors has teamed up with Donald Trump's 'The Apprentice' franchise to
> create a website that allows prospectives to make their own
> commercials online. The website allows readers to select backgrounds,
> video shots, and input text in an attempt to win prizes ranging from a
> Jackson Hole Getaway to a trip to the Major League Baseball All-Star
> Game.
> Rather predictably, however, certain surfers have been using the
> spot-building website for purposes that don’t exactly put Chevrolet’s
> newest in the best light. Unfortunately, GM's webmeisters appear to be
> asleep at the wheel, as we can't imagine these derogatory ads staying
> up on purpose.
> *Check out these for a few examples: One Two Three Four Five Six
> http://www.autoblog.com/2006/03/31/chevys-make-your-own-tahoe-
> commercial-not-exactly-going-as-pl/

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.