From: Lundgren (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Sep 10 2006 - 03:55:43 PDT
Oh my, this really makes me wish I lived elsewhere.
I've truly felt that cinema have lacked a serious truthful use of darkness.
Now I know where I can find it, some day.
(I'm not surprised thought that once again, it's Brakhage that'll fulfill my
cinematic dreams.)
Thank you!
Björn Lundgren
----- Original Message -----
From: "J. Mabe" <email suppressed>
To: <email suppressed>
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 1:24 AM
Subject: Passage Through: A Ritual
> Hello list.
> I'm starting a monthly screening series in Columbia,
> SC - just a short self financed program of films
> (maybe with some supplements from the USC's library
> and from local makers). I'm keeping the screenings
> free and I'm jumping around from venue to venue -
> wherever will have me at the moment. Here's the thing
> - the first film I'm showing September 24 is
> Brakhage's "Passage Through: A Ritual." Now I had a
> couple of hours to blow this afternoon so I stopped by
> the university library and sat down with some old back
> issues of Film Culture. In some interview from around
> Mr. Brakhage's 60th birthday, he speaks about this
> film and says that when he was creating it he looked
> back through the footage he had shot and found about
> 50 feet of useable film (his estimation). The
> interviewer implied that a large part of the film was
> black leader. Now I've never seen this film, and I
> wanted to start my film series off with a challenging
> film - but no so challenging that it's 1.5 mins of
> images and 48.8 mins of black leader. So, was this
> just hyperbole from Mr. Brakhage and interviewer? Is
> this too esoteric a choice for the first film (I think
> I have enough time to change the selection with the
> FMC if so)? I fully expect to "fail" many many times
> with this series, but I don't want to alienate a big
> part of the audience right off the bat. Thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Josh Mabe
> Names I came up with for the series:
> Shadow Qualia (No - too pretentious)
> Robert Beck Memorial Cinema Memorial Cinema (No -
> kinda dumb, made me giggle tho)
> Regular Paycheck Cinema (No - too on the nose)
> Still thinking...
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.