From: Jennifer Proctor-Valdez (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Sep 16 2006 - 10:01:38 PDT
FYI, this conference seeks both papers and creative work:
Call for Papers
Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture
Graduate Student Conference
The University of Iowa
February 22-24, 2007
Proposal deadline: November 17, 2006
Keynote speaker: Caryl Flinn, Professor of Women's Studies at The
University of Arizona and author of The New German Cinema: Music, History
and the Matter of Style and Strains of Utopia: Gender, Nostalgia, and
Hollywood Film Music.
Performance: The Audible Picture Show, audio works for a "dark
In Audio-Vision, Michel Chion states, "For sound there is neither frame nor
container." Chion's statement alludes to the ways in which sound, as a
constituent element of the audiovisual text, remains an understudied topic
of research. In this sense, the ethereal nature of sound often escapes our
attention, and, consequently, continues to be an abstraction. It is the
purpose of this conference to open up a dialogue in which we can bring to
the fore issues related to sound. For instance, how might we conceive of the
effects of sound? What are the politics that undergird the current studies
of sound? How could we situate the contemporary moment within a history of
listening? How does attention to sound affect readings of particular
texts? "Studies in Sound" approaches these questions through
interdisciplinary interaction in order to foster communication between
fields of study and benefit from the intersection of art and academic
writing. We are soliciting papers that explore sound from a range of
perspectives within the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural
Topics to consider include (but are not limited to):
? Aural pleasure and cinematic reception ? The politics of listening ?
Feminism and sound: the female voice ? The aural construction of the
subject ? The operatic voice ? The global pop music market ? Voice-over,
voice-off ? Literary soundscapes ? Translation and sound ? Construction
of theatrical sound ? The voice in ethnography ? The perception of sound
by specific audiences ? Soundscapes and spectacle ? Personal audio
devices ? Radio sound, radio design ? Film music ? Environmental music
and its effects ? Dubbing and international cinema/television ?
Listening in Linguistic Anthropology ? Teaching sound
Please send abstracts of no more than 350 words by November 17, 2006 to:
email suppressed or Jennifer Fleeger, Department of Cinema and
Comparative Literature, E210 AJB, Iowa City, IA 52242.
Full panels (featuring three papers) and creative presentations may also be
proposed and should include a panel or session title, brief
description of theme, name of chair, and abstract for each presentation.
Please include name, street address, telephone number, and email address on
all proposals.
For more information, visit the conference website:<>
"Studies in Sound: Listening in the Age of Visual Culture" is hosted by the
Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature and co-sponsored by the
Institute for Cinema and Culture, International Programs, the Department of
English, and the Department of Communication Studies.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.