AbjectLeader live in San Francisco

From: alvamel (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 26 2006 - 21:36:38 PDT

AbjectLeader live in San Francisco

pls fwd to all those who may be interested......

Wednesday 27th September 2006
10th Madcat Womens International Film Festival
A Quiet Storm: Live Music Set to Silent Films
El Rio, 8:30 pm, Rain or Shine (Free BBQ @ 6:30pm)
3158 Mission St @ Precita in SF. Tix: $7-20 sliding scale

Thursday 28th September 2006
NEW MUSIC (address suppressed) LUGGAGE STORE,
1007 Market Street San Francisco
also performing: The Quiet American, Alessandro Bosetti


Cold blooded meditations,
floating upon the erratic pulse / rhythm
of hazy fields of visual and aural recollection.
What makes these fields shiver?

Abject Leader (film artist Sally Golding and sound artist Joel Stern from
Brisbane Australia) investigate psychic noise structures, cinematic
apparatus and expanded performance approaches using multiple 16mm
projectors, handmade film, feedback systems, incongruous foley noise,
instruments, sprockets and flicker, and an array of lenses and prisms.

Abject Leader performances have taken place at experimental music and film
festivals in Australia and New Zealand. This is their first time in the USA.

Sally Golding is a filmmaker, projectionist and audio-visual archivist whose
work moves between materialist abstractions and dreamlike narrative forms.
Using 16mm technologies and photographic darkroom processes, Sally
deconstructs cinematic materials and apparatus, creating unique works
realised as performed projection.

Joel Stern is a sound artist who makes electro-acoustic compositions and
free improvisations using field recordings, contact microphones, a sonic ray
gun, a baby monitor, trumpet, silent brass, found objects, a gong,
processing, feedback, rocks, keys, strobe lights, pedals, string and
instruments and processes too obscure to mention.

His music has been published by prominent and obscure experimental record
labels in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the USA. Joel co-runs
the record label ‘naturestrip’ which specialises in publishing sound and art
that incorporates environment (whether ‘industrial’ or 'natural') into
compositional frameworks.

With film theorist Danni Zuvela, Sally and Joel co-ordinate Otherfilm, a
Brisbane based film society and festival dedicated to avant-garde
screenings, performances and film workshops.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.