From: Montgomery, Jennifer R. (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Oct 01 2006 - 21:38:26 PDT
dear frameworkers,
i am usually quiet on frameworks, except when i mistakenly post a personal
email to someone. but i was bothered by this call for work. this is an
example of the usual mystification in which Major Motion Pictures shroud
themselves: not revealing what movie it is, and essentially asking
experimental filmmakers to submit their work blind to be incorporated, nay
digested, by a big, unknown movie higher up on the foodchain. and perhaps
believing they are conferring an unusual privilege in the process.
needless to say, most experimental filmmakers could really use the cash,
but is it worth it to allow your work, or worse yet, a fragment of your
work, to be inserted willy-nilly into a context about which you know
nothing? mainstream movies are already notorious for appropriating
avant-garde film techniques for mass consumption, without so much as a nod
to the inventors of these techniques. while in some ways this call could
be read as a step in the right direction, because it proposes to buy our
films, in another way it is more invidious: take the whole thing and use
it any which way money can buy. the films' authenticity is not guaranteed
just because the material is original. context is everything.
i'm sure i'm stating the obvious, but it rubbed me the wrong way so i
thought i'd speak up.
-jennifer m.
On Sun, October 1, 2006 10:44 pm, C Keefer wrote:
> Dear Frameworkers: no submission fee
> Center for Visual Music (CVM) invites submissions of specific abstract and
> experimental
> film/video/digital moving image work for a major Hollywood Feature Film.
> CVM is consulting for a major motion picture project which will include
> segments
> of abstract and experimental film. We are seeking imagery of the following
> kinds
> (note, these are different categories, your work does not need to qualify
> in all of these categories, one or more is sufficient).
> a) Abstract, non-representational work with mysterious, suggestive
> elements
> b) Experimental or abstract work suggesting organic processes
> c) Abstract, non-representational imagery that metaphorically
> suggests molecular,
> subatomic, natural and/or cosmological processes and phenomena
> d) Spiritually-inspired abstract imagery, such as that which is
> inspired by Buddhist
> or Taoist beliefs or using sacred imagery
> e) Abstract Visualizations of music in which the visuals have an
> organic, mysterious,
> spiritual or suggestive element
> Work which is not entirely abstract or experimental yet incorporates some
> of the above elements may also be submitted. It is not necessary for the
> work to be Visual Music, though we encourage this type of work also. Work
> may be created on film, video or digitally; there is no format limitation
> other than it must be moving image work. Cameraless work is very welcome.
> Work selected for the final 35mm motion picture will be reformatted as
> necessary. Older work will also be considered, there are no date of
> completion limitations, and no running time limitations.
> In some cases, works selected for the motion picture may be licensed as
> excerpts
> (not necessarily the entire film), and imagery may also possibly be
> licensed as visuals only, without its original music. (Therefore, if you
> have not cleared your music, this is not a requirement).
> There is no submission fee. Artists are encouraged to submit for this
> first call, by the DEADLINE OF NOVEMBER 6, 2006. (Note, work is viewed in
> the order received). Another call for submissions may occur after this,
> depending on materials received.
> For those works selected to be licensed for the film, the artists will
> receive payment
> and their names will be included in the credits of the motion picture. If
> your
> work is selected, you will be contacted regarding licensing, permissions
> and master material.
> Artists may be contacted directly by the motion picture production
> company.
> Work must be submitted on DVD (NTSC or PAL, region 1 or region-free), or
> VHS (NTSC). If your work is only available for viewing on a film format
> and you would like to submit, please contact us in advance at Cvmaccess
> (at)
> Please do not submit through urls, as we are unable to sufficiently judge
> the quality
> of your work through a url.
> Please label each DVD or tape and its case with name of Filmmaker, title
> of work(s)
> and contact info.
> Please also include the following information with your submission(s):
> Name and Full Contact Info (email, mailing address, telephone, your
> website address if you have one).
> Please include Title, running time, year completed, sound or silent,
> brief synopsis
> (if available), and a note re its original format of creation, and
> formats of availability
> (for example, 16mm, Digibeta, Beta SP, DVCam, MiniDV, DVD, QuickTime or
> file formats,
> HDcam, etc).
> For Video formats, please indicate NTSC or PAL
> You may also include a bio/CV and other descriptive materials, though
> these
> are not required and cannot be returned.
> Center for Visual Music
> Attn: Film Project Submissions
> 453 South Spring Street
> Los Angeles, CA 90013
> Due to volume of submissions, we are unable to return DVDs and vhs tapes.
> About CVM:
> Center for Visual Music is a nonprofit archive dedicated to visual music,
> experimental animation and avant-garde media. CVM's programs include
> preservation, exhibition, research and distribution. CVM recently produced
> the new Oskar Fischinger: Ten Films DVD, and Jordan Belson's new film
> Epilogue (2005). CVM has consulted and provided films/videos for projects
> and exhibitions including the recent Hirshhorn/Smithsonian and MOCA LA
> Visual Music exhibition. Films/videos from its collections have screened
> at venues worldwide including Lincoln Center (New York), MOCA LA, Centre
> Pompidou (Paris), Hirshhorn Museum, The Louvre, Tate (UK), British Film
> Institute, International Film Festival Rotterdam, UCLA, Guggenheim Museum
> (New York), LACMA, Redcat Theatre (Los Angeles), Pacific Film Archive,
> Kunsthalle Zurich, Los Angeles Film Forum, ZKM Karlsruhe, Yerba Buena
> Center for the Arts and many other venues worldwide. CVM's online store
> offers Visual Music, animation and avant-garde film!
> on DVD and videotape.
> For more information contact:
> Cvmaccess (at)
> best regards,
> Cindy Keefer
> Director
> Center for Visual Music
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.