Re: shrunken footage?

From: Jeff Kreines (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Oct 16 2006 - 13:49:38 PDT

Shrunken film and curled film does NOT do well on telecines that use
sprockets to time the line readouts of the film. You often get the
"waterfall effect" -- the image height expands and contracts frame-by-
frame -- especially as the distance between the sprocket and gate
becomes a factor when there is irregular shrinkage of the film. This
can also cause jitter. As can bad splices. This doesn't mean that
modified telecines (like Colorlab's) can't handle damaged footage
well, but new doesn't mean ideal when talking damaged footage.

The Kinetta archival scanner is designed to handle extremely damaged
film -- available in a few months at facilities near many of you, I'm

Jeff "shrinkage from a non-Seinfeldian perspective" Kreines

On Oct 15, 2006, at 9:26 AM, Sam Wells wrote:

> Modern telecines, such as the Spirit DataCine are gentle on film,
> really more so than a contact print.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.