Re: + DVD trade??

From: xander!!! . (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Oct 19 2006 - 17:03:07 PDT

ok couple of thoughts

The actual truth of the
> thing is that what ben russell said was
> wholly true. Instead of spouting dogma, I
> think, if you really cared, you'd look into
> why the situation turned out that way, look
> at why, and look for real alternatives.

i guess that i feel like the model implemented was totally viable, something
that i've seen work. You felt like cost was an issue, i disagreed, and
expressed that i felt like there was a certain lack of interest in follow
through which is to say.....probabally what i think is that you are more
generous in your assumptions about why people didn't follow through with
trading stuff in the mail than was i...

as someone who's had my fingers in cd trading/mail art realms for a while
i've seen plently of well intentioned community minded people really suck at
putting envelopes together and sticking stuff in the mail...aka they want to
be into it, but they don't end up ever getting to the post office, aka it's
not a priority for them...they do awsome stuff in other realms, but trading
stuff via mail is not their thing which is fine which is what i was getting
at earlier. it's just a process of people learning about their
priorities...and i didn't mean to make a judgement about priorities.

i think the other assumption that maybe i was making was that perhaps there
were people who started getting stuff that they thought was not really so
great and thought that their dvd was worth more than what they'd been
getting and didn't want in any longer...perhaps this is a cruddy assumption
and exposes the more assholeish parts of my psyche

  but I honestly
> believe that if people were honest w/ themselves,
> they'd work hard to create a better process
> to create community.

i sort of feel like this implies that you are maybe saying that i'm
naysaying and not putting out in the realm of community..which is something
that is hard to reply to with out defensive angst.... especially cause my
guess is that you probabally know very little about me and or the work i do
in the realm of grassroots community arts organizing....some times the
'hard work' of creating community comes in the form of challenging &
criticizing, which possibly comes off as dickish...also hopefully there is a
person or two on this list who reads humor and love into statements like
"karma is relevent. up with community, down with limited edition scarcity
logic." otherwise dude, i'm f'd and will forever be misunderstood!!!

ok enough of this weirdness... at the end of the day trading stuff in the
mail is about fun! and everthing that i've gotten in the mail has been
awsome and made my day and if more stuff comes that's amazing, and if not
that's fine too. Props to the senders.

>From: Philip Hood <email suppressed>
>Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: Re: + DVD trade??
>Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 15:56:19 -0400
>On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, xander!!! . wrote:
>>if yer into it yer into, it if not that's ok but perhaps don't front. i
>>don't think that the theory was ever that you had to send something to
>>everybody on the list, but rather pick a few names at random pack up an
>>envelope and wait and see what comes yer way. karma is relevent. up with
>>community, down with limited edition scarcity logic.
> xander, I think it sounds fine what you
> said, but the problem is that it didn't really
> work. I sent out a few and I'm sure everyone
> did and then, after that, things just kinda
> trickled off.
> what I dislike about what you said
> is its honestly just full of dogma. I'm
> only really responding because I really believe
> in these things you say, but I honestly
> believe that if people were honest w/ themselves,
> they'd work hard to create a better process
> to create community. Its kinda like
> saying, ok, companies, "don't pollute," or
> "don't drive drunk" or "lets work on helping
> to get experimental film out in the world," or
> some other niceity w/out create a real
> working structure.
> then, when things don't work out, you cry,
> "don't front" & its "about community" or
> "down w/ the hollywood man & the mainstream
> media." Well, that's easy.
> The actual truth of the
> thing is that what ben russell said was
> wholly true. Instead of spouting dogma, I
> think, if you really cared, you'd look into
> why the situation turned out that way, look
> at why, and look for real alternatives.
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

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