Re: Jim Tenney

From: Steve Polta (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Oct 25 2006 - 15:23:15 PDT

I'm not at all certain could be mistaken but JT may
appear in Brakhage's GADFLIES, a film made in Super-8
in 1976, listed as available in this format from
Canyon Cinema.

Regarding REFLECTIONS..., the somewhat mysterious
book, BRAKHAGE, authored by one Dan Clark, includes
the credit: "Sound: Brakhage" in its description of
this title.

Tenney's music also is used in Jim Shedden's doc,

A good source for this sort of information is the book
"Stan Brakhage: A Guide to References and Resources,"
which extensively lists credits, casts and on-screen
appearnces, and the like. For films by Brakhage only,

I hope this is useful.

I'd be really interested to see what sort of list you
ultimately come up with, particularly any non-Brakhage
film/video Tenney may have been involved with, on or
off list, at your pleasure...

steve polta

--- Madison Brookshire <email suppressed> wrote:

> Dear Frameworkers,
> Calarts is preparing for a celebration of Jim
> Tenney's life and work,
> including a screening of films he participated in.
> If you know of his (level
> of) involvement in any films or videos, please let
> me know, on or off list.
> For instance, I'm almost positive that Jim acts in
> Desistfilm (I believe I
> see his initials scratched onto the film in the
> credits), but did he do
> sound for the film as well? Also, does anyone know
> who did the soundtrack
> for Reflections on Black? It's been some time since
> I last saw the film, but
> I recall a piano accompaniment.
> Here's a list of works I know he participated in:
> Brakhage:
> Interim
> Desistfilm
> Cat's Cradle
> Loving
> Christ Mass Sex Dance
> Reel 5 (... .)
> Schneeman:
> Fuses
> Viet Flakes
> Again, if you know of others or have information on
> his level of
> participation, I would greatly appreciate it.
> As always, thanks in advance,
> Madison
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.