From: eric fleischauer (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Oct 27 2006 - 15:05:12 PDT
since you'll most likely be paying to submit your
films, i would recommend doing your transers on the
cheap (real cheap).
videotape your film projected onto a clean, white
surface with a 3 ccd video camera (miniDV). white
balance off the light from the projector w/o film in
it, then fuss with the shutter speeds to minimize
flicker and figure out your exposure.
you can then use imovie + idvd to make a dvd (for PC's
you'll need something else). preface each film with a
title card noting the transfers are "not of
professional quality and for preview only" as a
disclaimer. then if they are acepted you can exhibit
the film prints.
professional transfers are nice but usually expensive
and usually only necessary for distribution and/or
exhibition purposes. this is only my opinion, but it
has worked for me in the past.
--- Jay Hudson <email suppressed> wrote:
> I want to put a few films (transfer from super 8) on
> a
> DVD for submission purposes, etc. I am definitely
> not
> looking to do anything elaborate.
> My questions are: What format should I make the
> transfer? What do I use to make a simple menu and
> chaptering? How do I make it playable in all
> regions?
> What is entailed in mkaing duplicates?
> It seems like it should be simple, but a simple
> googling gives me a startling array of choices. I
> want to get it out quickly was minimal fuss. The
> quality of the transfer is the only real concern.
> Any info would be appreciated.
> Jay
> __________________________________________________
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