From: Salon Cuir (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Dec 04 2006 - 12:10:53 PST
Fags, fag hags, and the rest of us who just wish we were,
are ALL invited to join the queer fun at Wednesday night's
Hustlers, Tops and Wieners"
presented by PinkEye Indie Queer Movie Salon
It's this Wednesday night, December 6th
from 7:30 -- 11:30pm
at Eyedrum Gallery (behind Daddy D'z BBQ "We go both ways")
on MLK at Hill Street.
DJ Bendito Chavez of Mary's serves up campy oh-so-gay tunes to match
the hot, hilarious and just strange Fagsploitation movies: Bruce
LaBruce's classic`Hustler White', Gary Gregerson's ‘Mondo
Bottomless’ and assorted other ‘hard candy’ for the eyes.
We're especially excited to showcase some of Nelson Sullivan's
incredible cinema verité, composed of rare footage of NYC's downtown,
underground, faggalicious club scene -- featuring drag queens cum
superstars, and club acts that’ll have you ducking for cover!
Plus bouncy go-go boys, hot buns and tasty wieners (pork or veggie)
to stuff into them, and of course, condom-ints. Not to mention beer
and wine, of course. I mean, are we gay or what? In fact, this show
is so hot we're restricting it to 18-and-overs. Come early to get a
Future PinkEye programs include a “Dirty South” program of local
queer indie erotica (nominations welcome) in February.
Eyedrum Gallery, 290 Martin Luther King Jr Dr S, 30312
near Memorial & Hill St. behind Daddy D'z BBQ
Cost: $6 (sliding scale $3-8)
To sign up for email announcements, to submit a film for
consideration, or to get more information, please go to: group/PinkEye or
or email PinkEyeFlix (at)
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.