Re: Call for a cultural boycott of Israel

From: James Kreul (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Dec 06 2006 - 20:52:58 PST

Thank you, Shelly, for saving me from basically re-typing out my previous
post (the one that suggested that maybe people might want to read the Berger
post-script before posting a knee-jerk reaction to the word "boycott").

Someone jokingly replied with a call to boycott Frameworks. All I know is
that I'm pretty close to boycotting this thread out of frustration rather
than political conviction.

But let me put a positive spin on this: Thanks to all of you who have read
the original post in its entirety and have added to my understanding of this
topic. Please continue to post on this and other topics. If you, the
percentage of quality posts and discussions will increase again on

James Kreul
University of North Carolina Wilmington
email suppressed

On 12/6/06 11:26 PM, "shelly silver" <email suppressed> wrote:

> dear karen treanor:
> did you read john berger's letter? an excerpt: "i'm convinced, in
> any case, that its application should not be systematised; it has to
> come fro a personal choice based on a personal assessment...." as an
> example, i wouldn't boycott screening the work of the israeli
> filmmaker avi mograbi:
> excerpt from john berger's letter follows:
>> I would like to make a few personal remarks about this world-wide appeal
>> to teachers, intellectuals and artists to join the cultural boycott of the
>> state of Israel, as called for by over a hundred Palestinian academics and
>> artists, and - very importantly - also by a number of Israeli public
>> figures, who outspokenly oppose their country©–s illegal occupation of the
>> Palestine territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Their call is attached,
>> together with my OEAfter Guernica©— drawing. I hope you will feel able to add
>> your signature, to the attached letter, which we intend to publish in
>> national newspapers....
>> How to apply a boycott? For academics its perhaps a little clearer - a
>> question of declining invitations from state institutions and explaining
>> why. For invited actors, musicians, jugglers or poets it can be more
>> complicated. I©–m convinced, in any case, that its application should not be
>> systematised; it has to come from a personal choice based on a personal
>> assessment.
>> For instance. An important mainstream Israeli publisher today is asking
>> to publish thre of my books. I intend to apply the boycott with an
>> explanation. There exist, however, a few small, marginal Israeli publishers
>> who expressly work to encourage exchanges and bridges between Arabs and
>> Israelis, and if one of them should ask to publish something of mine, I
>> would unhesitatingly agree and furthermore waive aside any question of
>> author's royalties. I don't ask other writers supporting the boycott to
>> come necessarily to exactly the same conclusion. I simply offer an example.
>> What is important is that we make our chosen protests together, and that
>> we speak out, thus breaking the silence of connivance maintained by those
>> who claim to represent us, and thus ourselves representing, briefly by our
>> common action, the incalculable number of people who have been appalled by
>> recent events but lack the opportunity of making their sense of outrage
>> effective.
>> John Berger
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.