From: Ezee Money (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Dec 26 2006 - 14:22:47 PST
Why not a few Western nations, Owen, like your own for
--- owen <email suppressed> wrote:
> While you're at it:
> Call for a cultural boycott of Colombia
> Call for a cultural boycott of Eritrea
> Call for a cultural boycott of Belarus
> Call for a cultural boycott of Zimbabwe
> Call for a cultural boycott of Iran
> Call for a cultural boycott of Kyrgyzstan
> Call for a cultural boycott of Cuba
> Call for a cultural boycott of Sudan
> Call for a cultural boycott of Pakistan
> Call for a cultural boycott of North Korea
> Call for a cultural boycott of Myanmar
> Call for a cultural boycott of Uzbekistan
> Call for a cultural boycott of China
> Call for a cultural boycott of Congo
> Call for a cultural boycott of Uganda
> Call for a cultural boycott of Haiti
> Call for a cultural boycott of Napal
> Call for a cultural boycott of Equatorial Guinea
> Call for a cultural boycott of Eritrea
> Call for a cultural boycott of Laos
> Call for a cultural boycott of Libya
> Call for a cultural boycott of Saudi Arabia
> Call for a cultural boycott of Somalia
> Call for a cultural boycott of Syria
> Call for a cultural boycott of Turkmenistan
> Call for a cultural boycott of Vietnam
> Call for a cultural boycott of Chechnya
> Call for a cultural boycott of Russia
> Call for a cultural boycott of Morocco
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.