Re: Tragedy struck today in New Orleans.

From: Robert Zinck (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jan 04 2007 - 17:21:09 PST

I'm deeply sorry to hear this tragic news. I didn't know Helen personally,
but I had a sense of her buoyant personality after corresponding with her a
few times via e-mail, and I cherish her "Recipes for Disaster". My
sincerest condolences to her close friends and family.

Bob Zinck

At 05:59 PM 1/4/2007, alvamel wrote:
>Dear filmmaking community,
>Mother, Wife Friend and Filmmaker Helen Hill was brutally shot and killed
>in her home this AM in New Orleans.
>Further details will be forthcoming - but, according to fellow filmmaker
>and friend Besty Weiss - Helen her husband Paul were both shot. Helen,
>while begging to the intruders not to harm their 2 year old son. Paul
>survived his gunshot, the baby is OK.
>Renee Brusard (sp?) will likely have a memorial screening for Helen. It's
>unknown when other services will happen.
>I'm sorry that I don't have more datails.
>Alfonso Alvarez
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.