Helen Hill zine

From: alvamel (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jan 07 2007 - 18:53:30 PST

Dear friends and family of Helen,

Because of Helen's love for homemade zines, Trixy had the wonderful idea of putting together a memorial zine where people can share stories of Helen and images by/for/about Helen for Paul, Francis, and all of us to be able to enjoy. Our guiding idea was of a testament for Francis to pick up in years to come for glimpses of his superhuman mom, and we wanted to create a venue for everyone to be able to share their stories.

I know it's been hard for many of us to find words about this unthinkable loss, except for the onslaught of memories of Helen's life.

So my sister Katie and I will be assembling this IN THE NEXT TWO DAYS! I was hoping to get this done before I leave for South Carolina, to be able to distribute at Helen's funeral. I would also love to send copies to all of you who send me your addresses. If anyone can't get this to me in such a short time frame, I will definitely create an addendum!

Just send whatever fragments you have - text in an email, a scan of a picture, whatever you want to send. These don't have to be complete works. Please send entries to me at leciewilliams [at] yahoo [dot] com. Also, please forward this on to anyone you know who isn't on my addressee list.

The deadline for inclusion for Helen's funeral edition will be Monday, January 8, early evening.

Love to all,
Lecie Williams

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