Questions on 500T and 64 Ektachrome

From: Sherri Kauk (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jan 10 2007 - 20:43:19 PST

In addition, I would ask, what do you want your film to look like?
These two stocks you are comparing have extreme image-rendering differences.

The V2 500T is a color negative film. It will give you 11 stops
between the exterior shadows and highlights. V2 has a lot of
lattitude. It tends to render the color palette pastell-like, in my
opinion. Although it is a fine-grain film, Rory is correct that this
Vision 2 series is made for telecine. Even 16mm to 35mm tests I've
shot yield this V2 series distractingly grainy on a final film output.
 The V(1) series of 500 speed tends to neg-dupe-print better in
film-out situations.

The 64 Ektachrome is a color reversal film. It will yield approx 5
stops between exterior highlights and shadow areas. On a sunny day,
then, you'll either get mega blowouts or mega silhouettes. Could be
cool. Reversal will give you a super saturated and contrasty image
(compared to the 500 negative). I've only shot it with 16mm. It
definitely has "a look" (whereas 500 negative seems more

The sight Rory mentioned and I peruse too is kodak's cinematography page:

And, for post: Both have different processes to get to the final 35
blowup. In addition there is now the 2 or 4K scan from super8 to 35mm
to add to the equation to evade the grain-aige of inter-positives,
dupes, prints etc.

Who knows, maybe grain is beautiful ;).

my regards,

Sherri Kauk.
American Film Institute '07
> Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 15:56:04 +0000
> From: Rory Brosius <email suppressed>
> Subject: Re: questions on Vision 500T
> Leandro,
> Hey there!
> So here are some specs. on the stocks you talked about.
> First of all, the three stocks you are considering using are all tungsten
> based stocks, so make sure you have an 85b filter otherwise you will be
> looking at a very blue image when you are finished. I'm sorry if you
> already know this stuff, I just wanted to make sure you have all the info.
> So here goes...
> 64T will have an EI of 40 when used in daylight with an 85b
> It has a fine grain structure and will produce a sharp image.
> This will work well if it is very bright outside, but if it is cloudy you
> may want to try a faster stock.
> Vision 2 500T is a newer stock that is geared more towards a digital finish
> (aka - you plan on transfering to video or tape for editing)
> it has an EI of 320 in daylight (again w/ an 85b filter)
> It is a fine grain stock with a sharp image, and a latitude of about 8
> stops.
> Daytime however will tend to be, well...bright, this is a fast stock so you
> may find yourself shooting at much lower apatures then you like to, but if
> you are looking for alot of depth of field then it may be worth a shot.
> Vision 2 200T is a mid range medium speed stock
> It comes in at 125 daylight (85b)
> It is a decent grain and brings skin tone and shadows into a more neutral
> light so to speak.
> It also has an 8 stop latitude and is a better choice that the 500T if you
> plan on doing more digital composing, and you won't have to close down your
> apature so much because of the speed.
> This is all kodak so you will tend to pick up more reds, oranges, browns,
> etc...
> You can find more info on the kodak website as well.
> Again I am sorry if you know all this and I'm just repeating the obvious to
> you.
> I am also unsure of the specifics on your camera and if you have a filter or
> not or if there is one built in, there probably is a setting for daylight
> right on the side, but who knows?
> Hope this is a help and your shooting goes great!
> Cheers,
> Rory Brosius
> Northern New York, USA
> >From: leandro listorti <email suppressed>
> >Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
> >To: email suppressed
> >Subject: questions on Vision 500T
> >Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2007 20:12:54 -0300
> >
> >Hi all,
> >Leandro from Argentina.
> >
> >I have a Super 8 Canon 814 auto zoom, and I am thinking about shooting with
> >the ektacrome 64T or maybe Vision 2 200T/500T.
> >What do you think would be the best option?
> >
> >Most of the footage will be outdoors (day) and it will be blown up to 35
> >mm.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Leandro
> >
> >
> >__________________________________________________________________
> >For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
> >
> >

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.