Re: Louder SF Cinematheque community meeting recordings Part 2

From: Freya (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jan 21 2007 - 14:25:33 PST

Here finally is part 2! :)

The next thrilling installment (actually it does give
quite a twist in the tale if you followed part 1 as
not everything is quite the way it was made to seem).

Anyway I won't ruin it for you, here is the file:

Sorry for the big delay. Took ages to download, about
2 hours to decode and then after I edited it the first
time the computer did a bad thing to the files and I
had to start all ovewr again. It was also a much
bigger job.

As a result this also isn't as good a job as on the
first one but you should be able to hear most speakers
really clearly. I can on my old powermacs internal
speaker so hopefully it should all be really nice and
clear on your speakers.

Part 1 is still up there too:

Hope it's useful to some people.



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