new orleans benefit in sydney

From: Jack Sargeant (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Jan 21 2007 - 22:01:32 PST

Prior to Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was home to one of the great
eccentric communities in the US.

Filmmaker and archivist Rick Delaup documented much of that community
on his website ( and through a huge
collection of film. photographs, costumes and other

ephemera. When the Hurricane hit he lost not only the collection but
his entire house as well. Money raised from this screening will go to
help Rick rebuild his arvchives. What you will see are two of his
most remarkable films, never before screened in this country.

THE DRUM BUDDY SHOW: Without a doubt the most bizarre full length
feature informercial ever made starring Mr Quintron, MC Trachiotomy
and host of New Orlean’s most eccentric characters.

RUTHIE THE DUCK GIRL: Rick’s extraordinary feature documentary on the
most famous New Orleans eccentric of them all – the amazing Ruthie
The Duck Girl.

"For almost 50 years, she has been a living, loopy, ambulatory French
Quarter landmark: Miss Ruthie the Duck Girl, a sidewalk sideshow
followed by waddling water fowl and wide-eyed tourists. For a while,
she was Ruthie on wheels, roller-skating to the beat of a different
drummer. And she’s also been Ruthie the wild bride of the streets,
trailing veils as she makes her rounds, cadging beers and smokes "for
later," smilingly sweet one moment, cursing a blue streak the next.
Outlandish and capricious, she’s the last of the great Quarter
characters, an eccentric on a scale both lowly and grand"

David Cuthbert, The Times Picayune

Check out Rick’s website at:

Thursday 25th January 7.30pm - $10 with supper!

Mu-Meson Archives (Rear Of King Furniture Building)

Cnr. Parramatta Rd and Trafalgar St Annandale) Enquiries: 9517 2010

Don’t miss this incredible night of eccentric New Orleans at its very


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.