Re: Examples of personal documentaries

From: J.C. Cortlund (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 11:29:22 PST

I'm a big fan of Judith Helfland's films--namely Blue Vinyl (which uses a personal doc approach to
take on environmental impact of the PVC industry--a really smart film, IMO).

I think Roger Deutsch has made some really interesting short films that experiment with personal
doc techniques--"Mario Makes a Movie" and "Dead People" are two that I highly recommend. Not
sure if you'll find them on Netflix, but they've done well on the festival circuit and should be available
in some archives around NY; or try contacting him directly via his website (

There's so much good experimental personal doc out there (the kind that takes the piss out of
garden variety, overly earnest, self-indulgent, undergrad 101 personal doc), especially in short form,
that I think it's cramping my brain right now. If my brain stops seizing, I'll send a longer list later.

There's plenty of good stuff to see. Best of luck with your project.

Jason Cortlund
Brooklyn, NY, US

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