Re: handprinting/emulsion question

From: alvamel (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Jan 27 2007 - 21:57:46 PST

Hi Adrian,

Thad Povey & I have hand-contact printed several 1000 of positive and negative image(s) on to Hi-Con and color reversal stock. Thad built a contact printer with a synchronizer and a light source that is dimmer controled, the dimmer is connected to a footswitch in order to have hands-free control of the light while handling the film. The light clips onto the synchronizer and we use blackwrap to control light spillage. With a little experimentation, we have been able to dial in good exposure using the dimmer.

In terms of 'flipped image' we have run a number a sequences with the image base-to-emulsion, it's not as sharp, but definitely legible. With a little extra work, you could possibly A/B roll your sequeneces by making two passes onto the same piece of raw stock from two individual rolls of neg. Or not & live with the additional quality of a slightly soft image.

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
>From: Adrian Tagmenveca <email suppressed>
>Sent: Jan 27, 2007 8:51 PM
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: Re: handprinting/emulsion question
>Just a little soft? Excellent! The images that might be wrong-side-out are just some up-close ice shots and it's quickly edited, so that won't be an issue at all. Thanks all!

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