From: Amber Goodwyn (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Feb 14 2007 - 13:51:50 PST

Hi folks,

Due to extenuating circumstances, this yummy fest will be postponed to April 2007. If people are interested in submitting and missed our January 15th deadline, this is good news! Those who have sent stuff in will be notified about the staus of their submission at the end of February.

Please send your stuff to:
Daughters of Joy! Festival
c/o Lickety Split smut zine
P.O. BOx 1783, Station H
Montreal, QC H2G 2N6

For more info:

The zine launch:
The Lickety Split #4 Launch will go as planned, so if you're in Montreal next week, be sure to check it out:

This fourth issue of Lickety Split smut zine is bursting the sides of its corset. 84 pages of hot, smart smut make this the biggest issue yet. Lickety Split is launching the fabulous fourth issue with a pimped-out party featuring music by Lil’ Pip, backed up by the Dead Doll Dancers, Flames! and Trancelvania with pornographic projections by the Double Negative Collective.

When: Friday, February 23rd, 9pm
Where: Club Lambi, 4465 St- Laurent, just below Mont-Royal
How much: $7 gets you a copy of the zine and an eyeful of the show

about Issue #4: This issue of Lickety Split features interviews with living legend Annie Sprinkle, photos of the lovely Seska, Rick Trembles interview, our first man-on-man action, lots of action in general, unearthed coming-of-age diary entries and much, much more! Also, follow the simple directions in the zine and download the accompanying podcast (care of Andrew Rose) to enhance your Lickety experience.

Lickety Split is a smut zine that comes out once or twice a year. Each long-awaited issue is a handcrafted/collaborative /pansexual/sex-positive affair with sexy silk-screened covers: a total labour of love and lust.
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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.