Re: SEEKING 16mm print stock

From: Pip Chodorov (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Feb 16 2007 - 18:00:48 PST

I can send you some. I'll send you the details off list.
By the way, 7234 is interneg stock, not high
contrast. 7302 is b/w fine grain release print
positive, and 7363 is hi-con.
-Pip Chodorov Ðpip @ re-voir.comð

>Dear Frameworkers.
>Does anyone have any 16mm print stock they're
>looking to get rid of or sell for cheap???
>I need 200ft of color and 200ft of black&white, or more.
>Ideally, I'm looking for stocks comparable to-
>(7242 or 3383) Kodak Vision color print film
>(7234) High Contrast Panchromatic black&white
>-but really, I'm very interested in
>experimenting with anything with an ASA below
>20, so let me know what you've got.
>Many thanks.
>Michael Belcher

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.