Re: DVD labels

From: Sabine Gruffat (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Feb 18 2007 - 07:07:52 PST

When I worked in the DVD industry, we never used stick - on labels because
they can affect the playability of the disk, especially if the label is not
affixed perfectly on the center. It may affect the balance and the laser
won't read it properly.

To my knowledge:

DVD-R is not as archival as DVD+R, but most Macintosh computers don't
support DVD+R.
Sony makes Gold preservation CD/DVD media that supposedly lasts 80 years.
Also, replicated disks last much longer than burned disks.


From: Fred Camper <email suppressed>
Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: DVD labels
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:37:15 -0600

It is already uncertain how long DVDs will last. It may be that printing on
them with ink or sticking labels on them will not hurt their archival
properties (though some have already pointed out the problems with stick
-ons), but can anyone be sure? Writing on a DVD with oil based ink seems
especially suspect to me.

For personal storage disks, I would suggest purchasing a separate case or
paper sleeve for each DVD and writing only on the container, applying
nothing to the DVD itself, until such time as someone has produced a
reliable archival test of some method of printing on the actual disk.

Fred Camper

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