aspect ratio in Optura Xi?

From: Yoel Meranda (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 20 2007 - 14:27:51 PST

How can i find out the exact aspect ratio I'm shooting in?

My LCD screen is 7.3x5 cm = 1.46:1. This is close to 3:2. There is
no way for me to measure the ratio in the viewfinder, which is what I
look at while shooting.

Why do they not make these 4:3, isn't it the standard?

I'd like to capture/edit my footage the way I see it while shooting,
unless anything I see is left out... and I should know if that is the

Any help would be much appreciated... hope digital questions aren't
off-topic here, I didn't know where else to turn to.


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.