Re: Announcing Super-8 Filmmaking Classes

From: ben d (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Feb 27 2007 - 02:29:33 PST

Hey Pip,

We found the Oxberry from a local post-lab that no longer had a use for it.
They realised it was unrealistic to ship it so checked out local folks who
would be willing to house it and put it to work. Not much to it, although we
have to move the thing in the next weeks so need more crew as its damned
heavy. As to screenings it just hasn't worked as i've found we only have
heavy use of the centre for unstructured drop-ins where people come to work
through what they need. The early classes were successful until the
post-production point, even with Project8 wanting to program work, people
rarely finished unless they hit a point where we started publishing their
names in the promo material.

From my perspective i'm just looking to provide a resource for new and
established folks to produce work in a chemically safe environment (most of
the folks wanting processing workshops and use are established filmmakers,
the filmmaker (of ten or so years) scheduled for this week wants to
eliminate as many chemicals as possible so we are running a coffee and
asorbic acid developer for her (people wanting custom work provide the
ingredients, or the costs)), the other person we have scheduled coming in
has a script we discussed last week and is planning on borrowing a carmera
and buying some film this week (he's never made a film before).... Love it
but wish people took it more seriously.

Maybe i should stop viewing it as a class. Seems like it has become more of
a community resource.

ben donoghue

PS-we also work in 16mm and 35mm. All diy, scratch, cameraless, and/or

"It is a society, and not a technique, which has made the cinema like this.
It could have been historical examinations, theory, essay, memoirs. It could
have been the film I am making at this moment." -Guy Debord

>From: Pip Chodorov <email suppressed>
>Reply-To: Experimental Film Discussion List <email suppressed>
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: Re: Announcing Super-8 Filmmaking Classes
>Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 19:08:42 +0100
>Here's what I do: organize a big screening at the end of the course.
>Organize it right at the beginning. In fact, instruct the students to
>organize it, to find a space and to decide what they will make. Have them
>invite their friends and family, and make sure it is well publicized, 2 or
>3 or 4 months before the date. Then they will be really motivated to finish
>their films.
>PS Where did you find the Oxberry? We are looking for one in Paris.
>>I've been teaching free Super-8 and 16mm drop-in classes including
>>handprocessing, camera loans and film sales at cost from the Purple
>>Thistle Centre in East Vancouver for the last year and a half. It's also
>>where we do the processing workshops for the Project8 festival. It's been
>>really successful, but people have been slack on finishing work, possibly
>>due to it being free? Anyone have any ideas on how to get students to
>>follow through with finishing work within the framework of a every Tuesday
>>night class?
>>Ben Donoghue
>>PS-We just secured a 16/35 Oxberry animation stand for our film/animation
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.