Re: individualism in films

From: Sandra Naumann (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 02 2007 - 14:03:51 PST

there is a number of German films dealing with the experiences with the
East German intelligence service as "Helden wie wir" ("Heroes like us",
1999) or "Das Leben der anderen" ("The Life of Others", 2006) which has
just won the Academy Award for the best foreign language film.

Am 06.02.2007 um 20:01 schrieb gyoungblood:

> Frameworkers,
> I posted this request during the Christmas holiday and got only one
> response. So, thinking that was not the best time to ask, I'm doing it
> again now. I'm trying to assemble a list of feature films in which
> collective problems are presented and resolved on the personal,
> individual level. Of course that's 99.9% of all Hollywood films (Frank
> Capra, "Casablanca," "The Insider" are examples). I'm looking for
> recent titles, the more admired the better. Your input will be greatly
> appreciated, and will contribute to my documentary project on the role
> of industrial cinema in socialization and social control.
> Gene Youngblood
> Department of Moving Image Arts
> The College of Santa Fe
> 1600 St. Michael's Drive
> Santa Fe, NM. 87505 USA
> Vox: +1.505.473.6406
> Fax:  +1.505.473.6403
> Office: email suppressed
> Home: email suppressed
> __________________________________________________________________ For
> info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.