'Walk Away Renee" Experimental Film from Years Ago?

From: Jim Carlile (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Mar 05 2007 - 04:05:20 PST

Pardon if this is such a classic that it's foolishly redundant, but does
anyone remember the name of the old short film made to the Left Banke's "Walk
Away Renee" single?
It started off as a kid moping around in his bedroom-- crude 16mm-- then
shifts to the song played over some absolutely amazing fill footage of a man and
his son trying to coax his terrified wife through a revolving door. The
footage was obviously repeated takes from some black and white feature, with
clapboard, and the woman was Joan Crawford, perhaps?
A great, great film, affecting in a weird way. For some reason Harry Smith
rings a bell, but I'm not sure who made it.
Anyone know the film?
Jim Carlile
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