From: Joan Hawkins (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Mar 07 2007 - 07:57:32 PST
Dear Fellow Frameworkers, I am pasting in a call for papers below,
I would welcome some panels and presentations on experimental
and avant-garde shorts. Please circulate widely; it would be nice for
us to have a presence. thanks, Joan
Call for papers:
Scheduled to be held at the Indiana University campus Bloomington, IN
Sept 14-16 2007
Film Indiana will combine keynote lectures and refereed presentations
with screenings of material from the various archives at Indiana
University, including the David Bradley Collection, the Lilly
Library, the Kinsey Institute, the Black Film Center/Archive, and the
extensive educational and instructional film collection.
The theme for the first Film Indiana conference is short films
produced within and—particularly--beyond (or before or outside of)
the Hollywood tradition, from prize properties to long-neglected
orphans. Comedies, travelogues, science films, studio shorts, home
movies, cartoons, amateur film, instructionals, newsreels,
advertising films, erotica, and experimental films—these and other
varieties of the short film constitute an extraordinarily rich and
often overlooked aspect of cinema. What makes such films interesting,
aesthetically and ideologically? Who funded, distributed, and
exhibited shorts? How does the production, circulation, and reception
of shorts figure in the history of cinema, broadly understood?
Keynote speakers: Tom Gunning
Haidee Wasson
Please send a 200-word proposal to arrive before May 15, 2007.
Joint submissions of up to four speakers forming a panel are also
Proposals and enquiries should be sent to
Joan Hawkins
Indiana University
Dept of Communication and Culture
Mottier Hall
1790 E 10th St
Bloomington, IN 47405
Please mark envelope “Conference 2007”
e-mail inquiries should be addressed to email suppressed
please include “Conference 2007” in the subject line
Joan Hawkins
Associate Professor
Dept of Communication and Culture
Indiana University
Mottier Hall
1790 E. 10th St
Bloomington, IN 47405
email suppressed
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.