Free Steenbeck near NYC!

From: jennifer fieber (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 09 2007 - 10:42:41 PST

Hi Everyone,

I'm offering up my 6-plate functional steenbeck free to whoever can arrange
to pick it up. I moved it myself from Brooklyn to Ossining, NY (near
Tarrytown on the Hudson) and can show you how to take it apart so it will
fit through apartment doors. It now lives on the ground floor and is on
wheels so getting it out will be no problem. Be warned it is extremely
heavy, and requires like 4 strong people to take it up a flight of stairs.

Everything should be working fine. I haven't replaced the exciter bulb for
optical sound in awhile since I never use it...but it should work with a new

If getting your own truck causes problems, you could also get in touch with
Paul Tomasko- a local steenbeck service guy--who use to move these for a
fee. (Not sure if he still does that though)

Please contact me via my normal email address if you are interested:

email suppressed

Jennifer Fieber

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