rear projection screen materials

From: julie murray (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Mar 11 2007 - 09:27:23 PDT

Hello Pablo,
  There are many tight weave, very sheer synthetic fabrics that could meet
those measurement requirements and, because of their smooth threads, refract
light quite well, (though never as precise as vellum or the standard rear
screen projection material ). The standard widths include 36, 48, 54, 60 and
72 inches - (though 72 is more rare than the others)
Purchasing a few samples from a fabric store and doing simple tests would
tell more(bring a flashlight to the store, maybe)
If on the front glass of the projector lens you place a round dot right in
the center, taking up about a quarter or one third the surface area, this
will diffuse the light more evenly over the projected image (eliminate the
"hot spot") without interfering with the sharpness. Some light is lost doing
Hope this helps


>Anyone have a contact or good source for rear-screen projection material?
>something that could work well in lieu of actual rear-screen projection
>I am looking for a rather large size (6' x 16' give or take a few inches),
>so rolls of matte acetate and such aren't really big enough as I need one
>solid piece.
>}- - - -- - - - - - {
>Pablo de Ocampo
>Artistic Director
>448-401 Richmond Street West
>Toronto. Ontario M5V 3A8 Canada
>T 416.971.8405
>F 416.971.7412
>20th Edition>>>> 5-14 April 2007 >>>>>>
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.