For listing

From: Images Festival (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Mar 12 2007 - 11:00:39 PDT


(JOHN PORTER in person!)
Wednesday and Thursday, March 21 & 22, 2007, 8:00 pm
2 distinct shows!
@ Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue @ 2nd Street, NYC

This calendar continues the 8-month screening series of Canadian artists'
film and video organized by Anthology and The Images Festival, Toronto.
Following our successful spotlights on Philip Hoffman, Barbara Sternberg,
Robert Lee and Leslie Peters, this season sees spotlights on three prolific
media artists: the activist Richard Fung, the poet Clive Holden & this month
Super 8 stalwart John Porter.

John Porter has been a filmmaker, performer, photographer and writer in
Toronto since 1968. Often called "the king of super 8" (among other names),
he has made 300 films, mostly super 8, and has performed 70 solo shows
internationally.  Using film as a visual art like painting, many of his
short films are silent, made in series' (Camera Dances, crowd portraits,
local histories, rituals, toy stories), and he shows his originals (no
copies). While projecting some he performs live in the audience, in front of
the screen, or while hand-holding the small projector for "surround super 8"
in galleries and for projecting onto passing people and vehicles while
"film-busking" on the street at night. His films are dynamic, humourous and
revealing, enjoyed by people of all ages. His on-going community activism
includes photographing and writing about local underground film activity,
advocating super 8 film and $50 film budgets, and resisting the dominance of
the film industry, the Ontario Film Review Board, and video. He resisted
email and the internet until 2005. Visit his website:

Wednesday March 21, 8:00 pm
Super 8 Films and Performance by John Porter
(All films Super 8)

Landscape (1977, 1 minute, silent)
Mother and Child (1977, 2 minutes, silent)
Santa Claus Parade (1976, 4.5 minutes, silent)
Drive-In Movies (1981, 7 minutes)
Exams (1982, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Amusement Park (1978/79, 6 minutes, silent)
Firefly (1980, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Down on Me (1980/81, 4 minutes, silent)
Cinefuge 4 & 5 (1980/81, 4.5 minutes, sound on film)
In the Gutter (2000, 3.5 minutes, wild sound)
Christmas Toy Lights Me (2006, 3 minutes, silent)
Toy Catalogue 3 (1996, excerpt 18 minutes, sound on film)
Scanning 5 (1983, 3.5 minutes, silent, film performance)
((Running time: 64 minutes))

Thursday March 22, 8:00 pm
Super 8 Films and Performance by John Porter
(all films Super 8 unless noted)

Calendar Girl (1981-88, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Pleading Art (1989/92, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Picture Pitcher (1989, 4 minutes, sound on film)
The Secret of the Lost Tunnel (1992, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Shovelling Snow (1992, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Blade Sharpener (1998, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
3 Speed Gear (1993, 3.5 minutes, live sound)
The List of Bicycle Messenger (1994, 4 minutes, sound on film)
Jewison, Superstar (1995, 4.5 minutes, sound on film)
Family Reunion (2003, 12 minutes, live narration)
City Hall Fire (2005, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Railroad under L.I.F.T. (2004, 8 minutes, 8mm, wild sound)
Phil's Film Farm (2002, 11 minutes, 16mm, silent)
Scanning 3 (1982, 3.5 minutes, film performance)
((Running time: 71.5 minutes))

Series made possible thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts (Media Arts
and the Canadian Consul General, New York City

Wednesday & Thursday 21-22 March 2007, 8 pm
Anthology Film Archives, 32 Second Avenue @ 2nd Street, New York

Subway: F, V to Lower East Side­Second Ave; 6 to Bleecker Street
$8; students, seniors and members $5.

448-401 Richmond Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8 CANADA
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20th Edition!   >>>>>>> 5-14 April 2007 >>>>>>
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.