45th Ann Arbor Film Festival

From: Ken Bawcom (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Mar 16 2007 - 22:24:11 PDT

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    Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 07:33:10 -0600


There are a number of programs that may be of particular interest to
FWers at the Ann Arbor Film Festival which begins next week.
Toshio Matsumoto and Ken Jacobs will be present for two programs each
of their work.
Boston filmmaker Robert Todd will be there with a program of his
recent films and Bruce McClure will present several of his new
projector performances.
The festival jurors this year include David Gatten and Deborah
Stratman who will be presenting programs of their films. This is in
addition to all of the great new film and video work exhibited in many
programs over six full days.
The full schedule is at www.aafilmfest.org

-David Dinnell

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David asked me to forward the above message. I would like to add that I
think we have an exceptionally strong program of entries in competition
this year, with several of my personal favorite film makers returning,
with excellent works, after too long an absence. That includes Carl
Brown, Francois Miron, and Paul Winkler, to name just a few that come
easily to my tired mind. We hope that as many of you as can will
attend, and enjoy the wide variety of fine film and video, shown in a
wonderfully restored old theater. The Festival begins this coming
Tuesday, March 20th, and continues through Sunday, March 25th. All
pertinent info, including detailed schedules, are available at

Ken Bawcom

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.