Re: building a film loop

From: k. a.r. (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Mar 18 2007 - 12:34:56 PDT

hi there. Once here for the Electric Mural Project, I ran a one minute long
film loop for 7 hours a night, for 8 or 9 days.

The "projection booth" here is the front room of my house, and I just hung
50' plastic reels throughout the room from the ceiling, looping the film
through them. I hung them with string run through the hole that normally
holds the reel onto the projector.

I ran this loop on a projector with a timer, and most of those nights that
it ran, I wasn't even home.
Nobody was supervising the projection, it was just running alone. hahaha.
(I had ran it for an hour or two when I was home at first to make sure that
it was o.k. but after that, I just let it go.....)

I just used presstape for the splice, but there was only the one splice to
seal the loop.

I don't think that I had to repair the loop in the days that it ran, but I
ended up stopping it to change the show.

good luck

Kristie Reinders, B.F.A.
Director of Cinematography, Electric Visions
Curator and Head Projectionist, Electric Mural Project
The Mission, San Francisco, CA

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