From: john porter (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Mar 19 2007 - 15:39:55 PDT
New York City Frameworks Friends,
I hope to see some old friends and meet some new ones
among you at one or both of my two different shows at
Anthology - March 21 & 22, 8pm in the Maya Deren
Cinema (which is appropriate because Andrew will be
showing to me for the first time, the obscure film
Maya made in Toronto in 1952, a story I wrote about:
My shows are part of an 8-month Canadian series at
Anthology presented by Toronto's 20th Images Festival
(April 5-14) with Canadian government funding:
Images is also presenting an extensive exhibit up here
of my hand-printed, "documentary portrait" photographs
at the Gladstone Hotel, April 7-21. Some of you will
be in it!
Our film selection is roughly chronological, with
early, recent, short, long, silent and sound films,
and performance, both nights.
The 21st is my classics, my touring show. People who
saw it in Rotterdam can miss it. Descriptions and
frame blow-ups:
The 22nd is rarities, including 8mm, 16mm, and a NYC
Scanning with Mary Filippo out front of The Collective
in 1982.
Cheers, John.
Wednesday, March 21 (running time: 64 minutes, plus
lots of talking). All super 8.
Landscape (1977, 1 minute, silent)
Mother and Child (1977, 2 minutes, silent)
Santa Claus Parade (1976, 4.5 minutes, silent)
Drive-In Movies (1981, 7 minutes)
Exams (1982, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Amusement Park (1978/79, 6 minutes, silent)
Firefly (1980, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Down on Me (1980/81, 4 minutes, silent)
Cinefuge 4 & 5 (1980/81, 4.5 minutes, sound on film)
In the Gutter (2000, 3.5 minutes, wild sound)
Christmas Toy Lights Me (2006, 3 minutes, silent)
Toy Catalogue 3 (1996, excerpt 18 minutes, sound on
Scanning 5 (1983, 3.5 minutes, silent, film
Thursday, March 22, 2007 (running time: 71.5 minutes).
Super 8 with two exceptions noted.
Calendar Girl (1981-88, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Pleading Art (1989/92, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Picture Pitcher (1989, 4 minutes, sound on film)
The Secret of the Lost Tunnel (1992, 3.5 minutes,
sound on film)
Shovelling Snow (1992, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
Blade Sharpener (1998, 3.5 minutes, sound on film)
3 Speed Gear (1993, 3.5 minutes, live sound)
The List of Bicycle Messenger (1994, 4 minutes, sound
on film)
Jewison, Superstar (1995, 4.5 minutes, sound on film)
Family Reunion (2003, 12 minutes, live narration)
City Hall Fire (2005, 3.5 minutes, silent)
Railroad under L.I.F.T. (2004, 8 minutes, 8mm, wild
Phil's Film Farm (2002, 11 minutes, 16mm, silent)
Scanning 3 (1982, 3.5 minutes, film performance)
John Porter, Toronto, Canada
email suppressed
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