Re: traveling with projectors

From: xander!!! . (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Mar 22 2007 - 13:16:47 PDT


my bell & howell fit exactly in the cary on alowed box and i stashed it below the seat in front of me no prob. i think all of the dimentions for what is alowed carry on are posted on line. good luck ben!!!

From:  Fred Camper <(address suppressed)>
Reply-To:  Experimental Film Discussion List <(address suppressed)>
To:  (address suppressed)
Subject:  Re: traveling with projectors
Date:  Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:15:45 -0500
>Will most 16mm projectors even "fit" as carryons? It's my impression
>that they are too large. Certainly the standard Eiki and Elmo models
>are too large, no? And if the airline decides they are too large,
>you're out of luck, they will insist on checking them, and you won't
>have a protective box. Also, when taking multiple flights, you might
>find that a bag that will fit on standard size planes suddenly has
>to be checked when you transfer to a smaller aircraft.
>I had a box made for me by Ballard Brothers Electronics in
>Montgomery, Alabama, which I have been using to overhaul Eikis on
>the recommendation of Jeff Kreines. It's a large heavy cardboard box
>filled with a generous layer of foam custom cut to surround a
>projector. Shipping them back and forth via FedEx ground has worked
>so far. Most reasonably "handy" people could construct such a box
>for themselves.
>I agree about never checking film prints, though leave extra time as
>carrying film prints in luggage will often result in a manual
>inspection. You should never check anything in airline luggage that
>you are not prepared to lose. Always have a replacement plan, too,
>for anything that you check. So for example when traveling I bring
>not only my laptop in my carryon pack but the cords needed to
>operate it.
>Fred Camper
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <(address suppressed)>.

Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon.

__________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <(address suppressed)>.